I don't sell much on eBay, mostly other formats unless I have an item I think is more eBay specific. Well right now I have an interior roof for a Honda Odyssey... Also known as a headliner. When I search for one in Google I find various non relevant results, but I also find pictures of this item on EBay. They are listed for $200-$600.
So then I go to eBay to do a search. I don't see any. All I find are carpeting listings for fabric to cover the headliner.
I thought maybe if I go to eBay motors specifically. Well that time I found one in the first few results. So I thought filter, but after filters I found no such items.
Then I thought maybe people shop who buy these refer to only the fabric as a headliner and think of the hardshell as an interior roof. So I searched for that. Nothing.
I don't get it there are several of these for various vehicle listed on eBay. I can find them on Google, but not when I'm looking on eBay itself!! Wth??
I want to see how many are listed, what they are priced at, and how often they sell. How am I supposed to get that info if I can't even find the items!!
This is nuts