11-12-2021 09:49 PM
Nobody answers me. I have done this already. Check your email box. Is anybody out there?
11-12-2021 09:52 PM
I'm not sure of precisely what you're talking about or to whom you're talking. If you care to give a few more specific details we might be better able to offer some useful advice.
11-12-2021 09:52 PM
Hi, can you elaborate on the issue you are having? This is a community forum made up of eBay buyers and sellers. Are you trying to reach customer service?
11-12-2021 09:53 PM
Are you tailgating right now?
11-12-2021 10:03 PM
If you're talking about the item that you have listed, the listing seems to be a fixed price one with a Best Offer option so there can be no bid. If you are attempting to negotiate a deal through email rather than through the BO option, it may be construed by eBay's bot as an attempt to make an off eBay deal. Something that eBay seriously frowns upon.
11-12-2021 11:56 PM
You have answers on your last post, please check them.
11-13-2021 04:04 AM
You are wrong. You received several answers when you posted previously. BTW, when you ask a question, it's a really good idea to give all the relevant information. We don't receive your questions in our mailboxes. We see them HERE. And we answer them HERE.
11-13-2021 04:40 AM
Let's see: your problem is that you can't figure out how to respond to a buyer's message, and now you can't figure out how to find and respond to your original thread.
This is looking like 100% user error.