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I just had a buyer open an INR case for an item that was clearly marked delivered. They requested that I send them a new item on my dime OR issue a full refund. 


Thank you buyer, for opening the one open-and-shut case for sellers on eBay by assuming we're able to deliver Nordstrom-level customer service.

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@hillbillymedia wrote:

@forgottenape wrote:

@the*dog*ate*my*tablecloth wrote:

I have shipped in excess of ten thousand sales. I have bought in excess of ten thousand items on eBay. I have been on the boards since 1999.  Im no newbie. I’m not talking about items being stolen. I’m talking about items being misdelivered. Until we know WHERE the item was delivered we don’t know what happened.


with all due respect, any seller who won’t help a buyer in distress deserves a negative. Entitled to me is the seller who says they’ve done their job, too bad, so sad. As a seller I believe MY responsibility ends when I have done everything I can for my buyer.


Seriously and people wonder why there aren’t enough buyers? Where has the sense of responsibility and empathy gone?


its not your job or any other sellers job to hold a buyers hand through the whole process. if you choose to do this good for you thats great but a seller is not obligated to waist their time with phony inr claims. are there legit claims yes there are but they are a lot fewer than you are letting on. and as said before in this thread online shopping is inherently risky for both sides. the seller doesnt assume all risk. if you dont have a secure location for packages then you the buyer assume the risk of theft. if your not willing to look up the tracking yourself and see that a pink slip has been left that is not a sellers fault. if your unwilling to go ask your post office to look up a gps location thats not the fault of the seller. i dont have time to message you every time your item has changed status while tracking. if your willing to do this more power to you but dont trash other sellers who find this to be not their job

While I agree with a lot of what you stated, as a seller, I may not be obligated to do certain things....I AM obligated to be a human being. IMO it`s just good business to help a buyer by suggesting some common sense possibilities and solutions they may have not considered to retrieve their item.

and again that's great. i also help my customers when I can but I cannot interview family members or roommates. I also cant drive to his house and look in the bushes. common sense things should be done by the buyer I dont have the time to walk a customer though how the postal system works or how leaving a package on your doorstep isn't a good idea.


being a human being is a two way street I have little time for people who start an inr with no communication before hand or for those that do it to shake the tree. this has never been a big problem for me and if the buyer doesn't cop an attitude from the start I will work with them and often do give refunds. starting an inr as a starting point lessens my desire to help at all. at that point its already worse than a neg so neg away and buy from someone else

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Nordstrom will not offer a refund or replace if it shows delivered.

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Fortunately EBay allows sellers to run their business as they see fit. Have a nice day 🙂

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@the*dog*ate*my*tablecloth wrote:

I phoned the buyers po since I had the tracking handy and knew what the package looked like.


Good customer service, I haz it 😃

That isn't anymore help than if the buyer did that.

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Yes, this exactly. Empathy is a two way street. What did this buyer do when their package "wasn't delivered"? Immediately opened a case against me. Just like it only takes a minute for me to reply to them with advice, it would only have taken a minute to message me first to go "hey, I can't find my package, could you help me out?" I had this happen a couple months ago with a buyer whose package was marked delivered - she messaged me, I advised her on all the steps she take to locate her package, and she found it the next day.

This other buyer doesn't bother to send me any such message and opens a case right away - not only that but she demands I send her a new item or money back for an item I did due diligence getting to her. Not exactly the kind of behavior that sparks a warm and empathetic response.

And why don't I outline all the steps for retrieving a lost package? Common sense - don't most adults have this? Also, I figure someone who couldn't take one minute to send a message prior to opening a case probably doesn't have the time and patience to contact their local post office to try and locate their item, and would a fault a seller for dare asking them to try. That's twenty minutes out of their day, after all. Buyers like this want a refund, not advice.

If the package was lost, there is a good chance it was stolen because the buyer didn't have a secure location for it. I don't know what kind of service you guys are getting from USPS, but I've ordered thousands of items through them and had exactly one (from China) go missing. Everything else I didn't get? Well, that was on me. Wrong address inputted, or item stolen by porch thieves because I didn't have a secure location. Since I don't expect sellers to give me handouts if something goes missing, what do I do? Watch my packages like a hawk or get them delivered elsewhere, not to an open location like this buyer did.
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I'd contact my PO, Obvious thing to do, It's their missing mail supposedly, Christ it's not hard to contact your post office, What do they want next to be spoon fed.

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3- You then "pay" another company, your carrier of your choosing to deliver. Your responsibility ends right and then.



You remain responsible for your sub-contractor because you paid him to do what your customer paid you to do.

The sub-contractor is responsible to you because you paid him to do the job.


For example.

If you have a meal in a restaurant, and get food poisoning, you complain to the restaurant owner.

Not to the cook who prepared the food.

The owner then deals with the cook who he paid to safely prepare the food.


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