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This is absurd! How is a Bluegrass record 'HATEFUL & DISCRIMINATORY' ???

I've been selling vinyl records in here for 20 years. I'm not going to comment on the person who felt it was warranted to 'report' my listing, but more so on the EBAY EMPLOYEE who looked at it and felt that this item should be removed.
Can't they use common sense ?? It's a RECORD!

The title of the listing : "COUNTRY GENTLEMEN - 'Johnny Reb/Buffalo Girls' 1968 Unplayed Country 45 on Rebel"

Rebel is a world-renowned music company that has specialized in bluegrass music for over 70 years. 

I guess it's no surprise that the link on the 'message from Ebay' about this regarding "questions? contact us" takes me to a page about hazardous materials not allowed through the mail...and absolutely nothing else.

Oh, and where's my 15 cent credit for this auction listing since it's removal was baseless and unwarranted?

country gent johnny a.jpg

Message 1 of 82
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This is absurd! How is a Bluegrass record 'HATEFUL & DISCRIMINATORY' ???

@emerald40 wrote:

@watchingbands wrote:

@hillbillymedia wrote:

@dilo-8873 wrote:

Yes hillbilly, you are correct the rules are the rules. Aside from that I would like to share with you that, as mentioned before, I’m a New Yorker and many New Yorkers are driving around with confederate flags on their cars in protest I guess of the disregard of our nation’s history! Nothing of course to do with ebays rules, just thought I’d share that with you.


I was born and raised in upstate New York. I left there to live here in TN about 25 years ago. Many families here, black and white, have history of lost family members in the civil war. I`ve met a lot of very good people here. Those boys and men, black and white, fought side by side and died side by side. Many people fly the confederate flag here to honor those that died in that war, some do it in protest and yes, unfortunatly, some do it to be hateful. Ignorance breeds hate. Banning these things also breeds hate and continues to fuel a fire.

It's amazing that people are more concerned with something that happened many generations ago, and ignore things that are associated with things that happened to people still alive TODAY.

30,000 listings with the face of a mass murderer.  Is that not hateful? Is that really not MORE hateful than the picture of a flag from 150 years ago?  Imagine walking down the street, and seeing some kid proudly rocking the face of the guy that executed your wife.

Why do they have to be mutually exclusive.  Both are hateful.

That's not the point tho. The point is, that one is being treated as trendy and hip, and the other is being treated as hate. Either all or banned or none are banned. To ban one and not the other, is absurd.

Message 46 of 82
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This is absurd! How is a Bluegrass record 'HATEFUL & DISCRIMINATORY' ???

@emerald40 wrote:


This is the list that came up when I googled.


What category is it listed under?

So based on the very ambiqous description, there are millions of items on ebay that should be removed. But they only care about one type of hate. It can really be whatever ebay decides they want. No black and white policy.

Offensive material policy overview

We don't allow items that promote or glorify hatred, violence, racial, sexual, or religious intolerance, or promote organizations with such views. We'll also remove listings and products that graphically portray graphic violence or victims of violence, unless they have substantial social, artistic, or political value.

eBay has always exercised judgment in allowing or disallowing certain listings and products consistent with the spirit of a worldwide community. We carefully consider all the details before deciding to remove such listings and products when they're brought to our attention, looking at the entire listing or product to see if it goes against our guidelines.

Message 47 of 82
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This is absurd! How is a Bluegrass record 'HATEFUL & DISCRIMINATORY' ???

I do not know how evil the act has to be to qualify, but with 6 million jews and others gased in the chambers, I see why ebay took the action it did regarding  nazism.

Message 48 of 82
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This is absurd! How is a Bluegrass record 'HATEFUL & DISCRIMINATORY' ???

@watchingbands wrote:

@emerald40 wrote:


This is the list that came up when I googled.


What category is it listed under?

So based on the very ambiqous description, there are millions of items on ebay that should be removed. But they only care about one type of hate. It can really be whatever ebay decides they want. No black and white policy.

Offensive material policy overview

We don't allow items that promote or glorify hatred, violence, racial, sexual, or religious intolerance, or promote organizations with such views. We'll also remove listings and products that graphically portray graphic violence or victims of violence, unless they have substantial social, artistic, or political value.

eBay has always exercised judgment in allowing or disallowing certain listings and products consistent with the spirit of a worldwide community. We carefully consider all the details before deciding to remove such listings and products when they're brought to our attention, looking at the entire listing or product to see if it goes against our guidelines.




I can only speak to the Holocaust and why that material has no business here.



Message 49 of 82
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This is absurd! How is a Bluegrass record 'HATEFUL & DISCRIMINATORY' ???

@emerald40 wrote:

I do not know how evil the act has to be to qualify, but with 6 million jews and others gased in the chambers, I see why ebay took the action it did regarding  nazism.

The soviet Union and Stalin killed Far FAR more people. Japan killed just as many as Germany, and in just as bad of ways, if not worse.  They commited mass genocide.  Che was also a mass murderer, and KIDS have his face on their shirt and there are 30,000 listings of Che stuff on ebay. None of those things has EVER gotten the same amount of attention, as Nazi stuff.   If you can see why they took the action they did, regarding Nazism, then what do you see in their inaction of things that are just as bad, if not worse?

Message 50 of 82
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This is absurd! How is a Bluegrass record 'HATEFUL & DISCRIMINATORY' ???

@watchingbands wrote:

@emerald40 wrote:

I do not know how evil the act has to be to qualify, but with 6 million jews and others gased in the chambers, I see why ebay took the action it did regarding  nazism.

The soviet Union and Stalin killed Far FAR more people. Japan killed just as many as Germany, and in just as bad of ways, if not worse.  They commited mass genocide.  Che was also a mass murderer, and KIDS have his face on their shirt and there are 30,000 listings of Che stuff on ebay. None of those things has EVER gotten the same amount of attention, as Nazi stuff.   If you can see why they took the action they did, regarding Nazism, then what do you see in their inaction of things that are just as bad, if not worse?

Again, I can only speak for that which I know first hand.


Yes I am aware that other people suffered atrocities as well, but as a Jew who went to a Hebrew school for much of her education, who had family killed in the camps, who heard stories all her life, who has visited the memorial in New York, this is the one that hits close to home.


But that does not mean I do not feel for all those who were victimized by hate.  Except for African Americans who suffered the indignation of slavery, I am just not well versed in all the crimes against humanity.  It does not mean I feel their plight is any less important.

Message 51 of 82
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This is absurd! How is a Bluegrass record 'HATEFUL & DISCRIMINATORY' ???

@emerald40 wrote:

@watchingbands wrote:

@emerald40 wrote:

I do not know how evil the act has to be to qualify, but with 6 million jews and others gased in the chambers, I see why ebay took the action it did regarding  nazism.

The soviet Union and Stalin killed Far FAR more people. Japan killed just as many as Germany, and in just as bad of ways, if not worse.  They commited mass genocide.  Che was also a mass murderer, and KIDS have his face on their shirt and there are 30,000 listings of Che stuff on ebay. None of those things has EVER gotten the same amount of attention, as Nazi stuff.   If you can see why they took the action they did, regarding Nazism, then what do you see in their inaction of things that are just as bad, if not worse?

Again, I can only speak for that which I know first hand.


Yes I am aware that other people suffered atrocities as well, but as a Jew who went to a Hebrew school for much of her education, who had family killed in the camps, who heard stories all her life, who has visited the memorial in New York, this is the one that hits close to home.


But that does not mean I do not feel for all those who were victimized by hate.  Except for African Americans who suffered the indignation of slavery, I am just not well versed in all the crimes against humanity.  It does not mean I feel their plight is any less important.

I've had more family killed by Soviets than by Nazi's, so I'm sure you can see where I'm coming from. I find it disgusting that people ( not you) , and companies, completely dismiss those atrocities as if they didn't happen, and only focus on Nazi or KKK stuff. As someone that is very pro freedom, I want it all legal. As someone against hypocracy, I hate seeing them on here, when other things are banned. 

Message 52 of 82
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This is absurd! How is a Bluegrass record 'HATEFUL & DISCRIMINATORY' ???

@bosmingfarg wrote:
I wonder if using non stick tape to mask the flags would help. I had a set of Hitler propaganda post cards my uncle brought back from the war. I hid all swastikas, and sold the bunch for a good profit to a historian.

In terms of eBay policy, you were just lucky, not policy compliant. 

The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves.
Message 53 of 82
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This is absurd! How is a Bluegrass record 'HATEFUL & DISCRIMINATORY' ???

I've had more family killed by Soviets than by Nazi's, so I'm sure you can see where I'm coming from...


I have made this point before with these discussions, the estimates are Stalin killed up to 20 million, a great many of them civilians based on ethnic, religious, and political affiliations, yet Soviet flags are not a problem for eBay.  Same with Che.


Still, they're a private company, I'll defend their right to set their own site policy - no matter how ridiculous it may be.   Which in the case involving the OP, is pretty ridiculous. 

The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves.
Message 54 of 82
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This is absurd! How is a Bluegrass record 'HATEFUL & DISCRIMINATORY' ???

If you click on the 'more info' this is included in the list:

eBay connects a diverse and passionate community of buyers and sellers. We maintain these guidelines to ensure our marketplace offers the widest selection of items possible while promoting trust and respect, as well as adherence to the law.
As such, we don't allow items that promote or glorify hatred, violence, racial, sexual or religious intolerance, or promote organizations with such views.
Message 55 of 82
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This is absurd! How is a Bluegrass record 'HATEFUL & DISCRIMINATORY' ???

I'm always late to the dance...above info already found. Sigh. Interesting discussion though.
Message 56 of 82
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This is absurd! How is a Bluegrass record 'HATEFUL & DISCRIMINATORY' ???

@emerald40 wrote:

Has anyone looked at the new banned list.


I just did for another thread, and I do not see hate items even listed anymore.


Looked twice, might have overlooked it, but just do not see it listed.

You're going to have to click the "Read Full Policy" button, and then un-collapse about a dozen subjects, and for each one scroll down to see the items in the "Not Allowed" box under each.  The policy pages now are sort of like a rat maze, you have to go down each path, sniff around for the cheese, then go back out and check the next one...


And that's just the stuff prohibited as an offensive material.  There are other item prohibitions scattered throughout all the policy pages, from mystery items, replica policy for dozens of categories, digital items, government regulations, recalled items... just to name a few.

The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves.
Message 57 of 82
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This is absurd! How is a Bluegrass record 'HATEFUL & DISCRIMINATORY' ???

Offensive material policy overview

We don't allow items that promote or glorify hatred, violence, racial, sexual, or religious intolerance, or promote organizations with such views. We'll also remove listings and products that graphically portray graphic violence or victims of violence, unless they have substantial social, artistic, or political value.

eBay has always exercised judgment in allowing or disallowing certain listings and products consistent with the spirit of a worldwide community. We carefully consider all the details before deciding to remove such listings and products when they're brought to our attention, looking at the entire listing or product to see if it goes against our guidelines.


That's the overview, not the policy.  See prior post of mine.

The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves.
Message 58 of 82
latest reply

This is absurd! How is a Bluegrass record 'HATEFUL & DISCRIMINATORY' ???

@ted_200 wrote:

@emerald40 wrote:

Has anyone looked at the new banned list.


I just did for another thread, and I do not see hate items even listed anymore.


Looked twice, might have overlooked it, but just do not see it listed.

You're going to have to click the "Read Full Policy" button, and then un-collapse about a dozen subjects, and for each one scroll down to see the items in the "Not Allowed" box under each.  The policy pages now are sort of like a rat maze, you have to go down each path, sniff around for the cheese, then go back out and check the next one...


And that's just the stuff prohibited as an offensive material.  There are other item prohibitions scattered throughout all the policy pages, from mystery items, replica policy for dozens of categories, digital items, government regulations, recalled items... just to name a few.

Exactly.  Before this  had its own title and it was obvious.


I looked at all the categories and nothing jumped out at me as to what category to click and I did not feel like having to click all of them.


It should have been obvious to the casual reader, not where you had to hunt and peck tofind it.


In fact I nitially thought they might have done away with it

Message 59 of 82
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This is absurd! How is a Bluegrass record 'HATEFUL & DISCRIMINATORY' ???

The starting point for figuring out if an item is prohibited by eBay policy is actually here:


They will offer to let you search the Help pages here:


I would not be confident it will return the full set of policies that may affect any given item.   In other words, it doesn't work very well.


It also offers to allow you to contact CS for your policy question to be answered.  That doesn't always produce the correct information either. 

The Floggings Will Continue Until Morale Improves.
Message 60 of 82
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