07-22-2024 01:49 PM
I'm only posting for awareness mainly, there's nothing to be done. No action to be taken, zero.
Check my forum post history for context, but TLDR got an account banned because of an incorrect configuration in the listing. I had the ship date set within 24 hours when I'm usually shipping on UPS pickup days(twice a week). This heavily impacted my seller performance, but still maintained above standard rating.
Regardless, I got suspended. Never talked with any actual human, and went through what felt like an automated process. Provided invoices, my ID, etc. Didn't matter.
Got banned in May, didn't sell anything, listed anything, or used the account to buy anything since then. This account was dead to me.
I just got restricted again. Another "please provide tracking information on all orders" email. I'm still being charged shipping differences, etc. I have never been unbanned just FYI, so restricting a banned account is...well, I don't even have the words for it.
I run an Amazon account as well, and while their seller support is also bad, at least you can make progress and/or talk to a human. Ebay is like talking to a brick wall.
It's sad really, because a good chunk of my Amazon catalog can be sold on eBay, especially excess inventory. Now, I just have a partner of mine do the selling for me on eBay.
PS: "John Doe, remember that eBay feeling?" email is hilarious.
07-22-2024 01:54 PM
What were you trying to sell? The mistake in the handling time should have had nothing to do with it except to possibly prompt an account review, but I've only ever seen that type of restriction when someone was selling lots of new items (legit or not).
07-22-2024 02:18 PM
I have never been unbanned just FYI, so restricting a banned account is...well,.....
It is sooooo eBay. But you are correct as the CEO has announced more than once in other venues that customer service activities, specifically mentioning Trust & Safety, would be handed off to AI. We see these AI style results in other specific functions as well. I haven't really decided if it is the AI itself that is preforming poorly i.e. some cheap version, or it is a result of poor programming that allows decisions to be made regardless of policy.
07-22-2024 02:35 PM
It's AI,Artificial Intelligence, Known As the Clownbot when poorly programmed, See it's right in the name, Artificial so not real, & Intelligence which it searches for because it has none!, Etsy has put out a commercial I believe is aimed at ebay, Basically that there is no place for robots in E-Commerce
07-22-2024 08:26 PM
I have never been unbanned just FYI, so restricting a banned account is...well,.....
It is sooooo eBay. But you are correct as the CEO has announced more than once in other venues that customer service activities, specifically mentioning Trust & Safety, would be handed off to AI. We see these AI style results in other specific functions as well. I haven't really decided if it is the AI itself that is preforming poorly i.e. some cheap version, or it is a result of poor programming that allows decisions to be made regardless of policy.
Of all the positions ripe for the use of AI it seems to me the CEO would be a prime candidate.
07-22-2024 08:33 PM
You might get to talk to a human on Amazon, if you make enough effort, but no human you can talk to can reinstate an account.
As for shipping adjustments on Ebay, whether your account is active or not, you owe Ebay for them whenever the shipping carrier levies those costs.