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Stop ebays FORCED "Smart" best offer. PLEASE HELP

Are you sick of ebay sneaking into your store like a thief in the night and adding "best offer" to YOUR listings? CALL AND COMPLAIN- GET IRATE AND INSIST YOUR CALL TRANSCRIPT BE "ESCALATED TO THE BACK OFFICE". THEN GO TO YOUR "My ebay" page and click the "tell us what you think" link and tell them! They need to hear it from everybody and their uncles to finally listen.

Most of my my items are only $1.50-$2.00. I don't have the margins to haggle over .25 cents. And even if I did, it should be the SELLERS CHOICE to include "best offer" on your listings.

Think about it, as a store operator you pay your subscription fees (on top of all the other ridiculous fees- insertion fees, final value fees, PayPal value fees, and PayPal transaction fees- they make more than me on 75% of my transactions). Your subscription fee is the same as renting a store front. If a landlord broke into your store in the middle of the night and changed your point of sale operations, you would be looking for a new store front. Am I right? This is no different. Yet ebay is smarter than everyone so it's OK?

when a buyer sees the "or best offer" they expect a better deal. When their offers are constantly refused they go elsewhere and likely won't deal with you again, and why would they- their time has been wasted. How is this good for sellers, buyers, or ebays bottom line? Who thought it was a good idea to force sellers to entertain offers that don't even cover the fees, let alone the item cost? 


The very name they they chose for this program "smart" offer, implies that they think we can't count and they are smarter then us. Whatever algorithm they created to determine what should accept an offer is VERY WRONG. Many of my items are priced below their suggested price, yet they think I should accept offers because my $1.50 item is too expensive. If you sell higher dollar items with some wiggle room, this probably isn't a big deal. But us little guys need your help.


Im upset and tired of ebay wasting my time while they sit back and collect billions. Please just let the ones making you those billions do our jobs!


Unfortunately I have quite a bit of inventory I need to move, but when it's gone so am I. Been selling for less than a year and I'm already sick of ebay treating me like a child. Ebay works for us, remember?




okay, this rant is over. Thanks for reading




Message 1 of 81
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Stop ebays FORCED "Smart" best offer. PLEASE HELP

Are you using the newish Simplified Sell Your Item form?

Switch to the Advanced/Business form. (upper right of form)


Best Offer is a default on the overSimplified form.


I agree it's stupid, but that whole form is misleading and we experienced sellers should be warning our naive new colleagues to move on as soon as possible to the more specific Advanced form.

Message 2 of 81
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Stop ebays FORCED "Smart" best offer. PLEASE HELP



Your subscription fee is the same as renting a store front.


Having actually run B&M businesses, I can assure you that even the Premium Stores are less expensive than renting a storefront. In addition to four to five thousand dollars a month for rent in the right shopping district, we paid utilities, window washing, garbage pickup (not done by the city), business taxes, commercial insurance, and cleaning. 


If a landlord broke into your store in the middle of the night and changed your point of sale operations, you would be looking for a new store front.

Further, most landlords now take a percentage of the business' profit as part of the rent agreement. We had a hard discussion with our landlords to make it clear that our online business would not be included in store profits in this calculation.

The practice started with malls, which also tell tenants what business hours they will have, but has spread to commercial rentals elsewhere.

Message 3 of 81
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Stop ebays FORCED "Smart" best offer. PLEASE HELP

Are you sick of ebay sneaking into your store like a thief in the night and adding "best offer" to YOUR listings?

I understand you are upset, but that statement is WAY over the top.  Ebay doesn't do that.  This is something that happens for those using the QLT [quick listing tool].  Just change to ALF [advanced listing form] and your problem should be solved.


Sometimes when things are happening that we don't like, it is good to ask for help as others may be able to help you resolve your issues.  Ebay has lots of rules and it is hard even for the seasoned seller to keep the fast moving rules straight.  


But Ebay is not "sneaking" into anything.  The listing form is doing what it is designed to do.  Mobile listing also has some automatic selections by Ebay.  When you want full control, it is best to use ALF.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 4 of 81
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Stop ebays FORCED "Smart" best offer. PLEASE HELP

I agree.


And Stop eBay's ...


  • Forced GTC
  • Forced Returns
  • Forced Refunds
  • Forced Managed Payments



Message 5 of 81
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Stop ebays FORCED "Smart" best offer. PLEASE HELP

mam98031 wrote:


"But Ebay is not "sneaking" into anything.  The listing form is doing what it is designed to do"


Ebay is sneaking clearly.  The form is designed to unlawfully generate revenue for Ebay - at the customers' (the sellers')'s just like imposing GTC - Ebay knows many sellers are too busy to cancel listings before they're relisted - thus generating millions of dollars in additional revenues for Ebay.  


If that's not sneaking, then nothing is!  It's also just another very bad idea from Ebay.  Long term relationships with Ebay's bread and butter - SELLERS - is clearly not a concern with Ebay management.




Message 6 of 81
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Stop ebays FORCED "Smart" best offer. PLEASE HELP

@mam98031 wrote:

Are you sick of ebay sneaking into your store like a thief in the night and adding "best offer" to YOUR listings?

I understand you are upset, but that statement is WAY over the top.  Ebay doesn't do that.  This is something that happens for those using the QLT [quick listing tool].  Just change to ALF [advanced listing form] and your problem should be solved.


Sometimes when things are happening that we don't like, it is good to ask for help as others may be able to help you resolve your issues.  Ebay has lots of rules and it is hard even for the seasoned seller to keep the fast moving rules straight.  


But Ebay is not "sneaking" into anything.  The listing form is doing what it is designed to do.  Mobile listing also has some automatic selections by Ebay.  When you want full control, it is best to use ALF.

eBay should be Easy to Use for Everyone.


No-one should have to Jump Through Hoops to Sell or Buy (everything should be intuitive and simple).


The only thing that's WAY over the top here are the daily Technical Issues, Glitches, and Unwanted Forced Processes.

Message 7 of 81
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Stop ebays FORCED "Smart" best offer. PLEASE HELP

@carbonart0 wrote:

mam98031 wrote:


"But Ebay is not "sneaking" into anything.  The listing form is doing what it is designed to do"


Ebay is sneaking clearly.  The form is designed to unlawfully generate revenue for Ebay - at the customers' (the sellers')'s just like imposing GTC - Ebay knows many sellers are too busy to cancel listings before they're relisted - thus generating millions of dollars in additional revenues for Ebay.  


If that's not sneaking, then nothing is!  It's also just another very bad idea from Ebay.  Long term relationships with Ebay's bread and butter - SELLERS - is clearly not a concern with Ebay management.




No it isn't.  Best offer does not create any additional fees for Ebay.


What fee for Best Offer are you talking about.  I'm not aware of any.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 8 of 81
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Stop ebays FORCED "Smart" best offer. PLEASE HELP

@carbonart0 wrote:

mam98031 wrote:


"But Ebay is not "sneaking" into anything.  The listing form is doing what it is designed to do"


Ebay is sneaking clearly.  The form is designed to unlawfully generate revenue for Ebay - at the customers' (the sellers')'s just like imposing GTC - Ebay knows many sellers are too busy to cancel listings before they're relisted - thus generating millions of dollars in additional revenues for Ebay.  


If that's not sneaking, then nothing is!  It's also just another very bad idea from Ebay.  Long term relationships with Ebay's bread and butter - SELLERS - is clearly not a concern with Ebay management.




Yes, I agree this is a very deceptive business practice.


To the new Interim CEO,


Please end this, so Seller's can have a "Better Selling Experience."




Message 9 of 81
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Stop ebays FORCED "Smart" best offer. PLEASE HELP

My question would be why does the simplified form not give the choice. I believe it should and not just be defaulted to the best offer—that is confusing especially for someone new.

Message 10 of 81
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Stop ebays FORCED "Smart" best offer. PLEASE HELP

It's called a "Final Value Fee"  Hello?

Message 11 of 81
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Stop ebays FORCED "Smart" best offer. PLEASE HELP

I have offered business consulting services to Ebay before, but I have not heard back from them.  I can provide Ebay with 10 simple steps to turn Ebay around.  And I'm willing to do it for a final value fee of just under 1% of any quarterly gains year over year - to be measured after my much smarter policies are employed.  


I will however, require a check or money order as payment - No Pay Pal Please....

Message 12 of 81
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Stop ebays FORCED "Smart" best offer. PLEASE HELP

@mam98031 wrote:

@carbonart0 wrote:

mam98031 wrote:


"But Ebay is not "sneaking" into anything.  The listing form is doing what it is designed to do"


Ebay is sneaking clearly.  The form is designed to unlawfully generate revenue for Ebay - at the customers' (the sellers')'s just like imposing GTC - Ebay knows many sellers are too busy to cancel listings before they're relisted - thus generating millions of dollars in additional revenues for Ebay.  


If that's not sneaking, then nothing is!  It's also just another very bad idea from Ebay.  Long term relationships with Ebay's bread and butter - SELLERS - is clearly not a concern with Ebay management.




No it isn't.  Best offer does not create any additional fees for Ebay.


What fee for Best Offer are you talking about.  I'm not aware of any.

If eBay is adding Best Offer to Seller's Listings (without them wanting it), and the item sells automatically for a set price Lower than the Seller Wanted (which is what's being reported), then this generates FVF Fees for eBay.  


It's a way for eBay to push Sales (and Fees) ... But Not the Sales the Seller Wants.

Message 13 of 81
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Stop ebays FORCED "Smart" best offer. PLEASE HELP

@carbonart0 wrote:

mam98031 wrote:


"But Ebay is not "sneaking" into anything.  The listing form is doing what it is designed to do"


Ebay is sneaking clearly.  The form is designed to unlawfully generate revenue for Ebay - at the customers' (the sellers')'s just like imposing GTC - Ebay knows many sellers are too busy to cancel listings before they're relisted - thus generating millions of dollars in additional revenues for Ebay.  


If that's not sneaking, then nothing is!  It's also just another very bad idea from Ebay.  Long term relationships with Ebay's bread and butter - SELLERS - is clearly not a concern with Ebay management.




Again I ask.  How is it generating income for Ebay?  There is NO CHARGE for using the Make an Offer function.  It has nothing to do with GTC.  That is a completely separate issue.  I get it that you don't like GTC, you are in good company, but that is not the OP's issue.  The issue is the Make an Offer button.  


BTW, GTC isn't sneaky either.  It was well publicized by Ebay before during and after the change over.  As can clearly be seen on the threads as they were ablaze with complaints for weeks.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 14 of 81
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Stop ebays FORCED "Smart" best offer. PLEASE HELP

If this were the worst thing ebay was doing I would share your angst. However, you get an offer you reject it and go revise your listing. next!

Message 15 of 81
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