08-12-2020 11:48 AM
So 3 previous attempts I've tried selling an item, and did so each time. But each time, there was always a problem. First and third attempts were payment problems. Second was related to shipping.
First time on July 6th, the winning bidder canceled the order almost immediately after winning. Got no reason as to why, but they left positive feedback regarding the refund, so I assume it must've been an accidental bid or they didn't completely check the condition and/or pricing of the item.
Second time on July 14th, I sold it again and shipped the item, only for it to get sent back to me upon reaching the destination city due to "no such number" existing according to the PO (says so in tracking history and on label when I got it back on July 21st). I was unsure where to go next and created a thread about this asking for advice if I should re-ship using the same invoice to a different address. That thread is here:
While I was looking into the above help thread, I had informed the buyer the strong possibility that I would need to cancel/re-list item/inform him of re-listing and that I was getting help on eBay for other possible solutions. The buyer was okay with that. After reading the thread the next day with replies, I was advised by most to do just that to avoid losing protection. After I actually did it and gave a full refund, the buyer got back to me saying they would look elsewhere instead as if suddenly losing interest or they got frustrated. A couple days later on July 25th I got around to re-listing for a third time. Then the buyer got back to me asking if I have re-listed. Since they said they would just get it from someone else during their last message, I didn't inform them of the re-listed item. So I informed them it was re-listed with a link and gave a reminder to use the correct address or I would have to cancel and refund again. It was recommended in the help thread that I block this person after that address problem, but being a nice guy, I didn't and decided to gave them a second chance. Shame on me I guess, because I had more problems with them later.
The third time I re-listed, the same buyer who I had so much trouble with previously won the auction on August 1st. Only this time they didn't pay. At some point I had to send payment instructions to remind them to pay. They still didn't and I eventually had to open an unpaid item case on August 8th a week after the buyer won the auction. I was finally able to close said case today (leaving an unpaid item strike on their account) and have now blocked the buyer in case I list this a fourth time. I'm not sure if this person did this in retaliation for the cancellation when they tried purchasing the first time or if they got sick or something. Hard to say what the reason is if I can't receive any sort of communication. I was able to talk with this person many times during their first transaction, but I got total silence during this one.
Also the first time this item sold, it was for $66 + 15.05 shipping. Second time was $76 + shipping. Third time was a much lower $48 + shipping. Didn't get as much attention as the first and second auctions probably due to the multiple listings of the same item.
So lastly, I'm asking what I should do here? Should I re-list immediately and risk getting even less in an auction? Give up on selling or sell elsewhere such as Amazon?
08-12-2020 11:58 AM - edited 08-12-2020 12:01 PM
If it's game related stuff like your other auctions, just sell on craigslist, this stuff sells pretty easily locally. Yes, flaky, but ebay buyers, as you've experienced are as flaky if not more and it seems to be getting worse.
Best thing about cl is there are no refunds.
These are my opinions and other people may disagree or have others...
08-12-2020 12:06 PM
It has nothing to do with the item. Just a coincidence. Re-list.
08-12-2020 08:08 PM
OP should sit on it for like 30 days before relisting. Items relisted over and over see a drop in hits and interest, especially when they sell then re-appear. Give people some time to forget about it.
08-12-2020 08:54 PM
I strongly believe some items are just cursed. ☠️