10-10-2018 03:52 PM
Hello. This is my first post here. I recently sold a high end camera on eBay. I live in the USA and the buyer was from Qatar. I packaged the camera and shipped using USPS. Since the camera was very expensive I did purchase insurance through USPS. I sent the camera to the buyer and he sent massage stating that he received a book instead of the camera and has requested a refund. I asked him if the package seemed if it was tanpered with and he says no. I have been selling on eBay for a while and have sold some expensive items but have never encountered this problem. I have all positive reviews and have never had an issue as a buyer or a seller. I searched online and am afraid the buyer is going to return a book and I will lose out on the camera and the money that was paid for it. I have not yet accepted the return request. What are my next steps? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
10-10-2018 04:24 PM - edited 10-10-2018 04:24 PM
@18704d wrote:
I would immediately file a postal insurance claim with the USPS for the full price of the camera (if you paid for that amount of insurance)
You shipped an expensive camera.
Your buyer said they didn't get it.
It's obvious, the theft / loss occured while in the hands of the US postal service.
USPS will ague that it could have happened while it was clearing customs in Qatar
10-10-2018 04:26 PM
I need to check.
10-10-2018 04:27 PM
The answer is No.
10-10-2018 04:28 PM
You're correct its not right,but its ebay. Overnighted is security taped and signed for each time it changes hands and tape is checked and marked as intact each time it changes hands so any signs of tampering is stopped dead in its tracks,but this is ebay and all rules go out the window and only the brave of the brave mess with overnight stuff... Buyer just tells ebay seller never boxed a camera they just boxed a book instead...
10-10-2018 04:32 PM
"USPS will ague that it could have happened while it was clearing customs in Qatar"
but the OP is going to be forced to accept the return...
which will be a book. (assuming they dont' want to deny the return, and have eBay refund out of their account, anyway)
It's just the OP's best shot in a near impossible situation.
10-10-2018 04:33 PM
I know this is no consolation,but I lost $2700.00 worth of Hasselblad lenses to a fellow in France so I know the burn you're doing...
10-10-2018 05:02 PM
"Overnighted is security taped and signed for each time it changes hands and tape is checked and marked as intact each time it changes hands so any signs of tampering is stopped dead in its tracks"
Registered mail has that type of security.
10-10-2018 05:05 PM
Posting IDs will always false just their nature....
10-10-2018 05:59 PM
i was reading all these and thinking WOW really?? then i saw this that it was in QATAR of course theres time to switch things they steal all the time i thought this happened domesticly ok now i kinda would believe both the buyer and seller might be innocent..doesnt mean the sellers gonna get there money but....you might be covered by any insurance you have or a credit card or something else that might cover this loss...the buyers gonna get thier money back bottom line and unfortunbatly unless ebay or the post office is in a giving mood you will not get your money or camera
10-10-2018 06:19 PM
@riricc3 wrote:the buyers gonna get their money back bottom line and unfortunately unless ebay or the post office is in a giving mood you will not get your money or camera
Second that... Unfortunately I don't see any good outcome for the seller here. The USPS isn't going to honor an insurance claim for an item that was mostly out of their possession (and out of the country) for the majority of its travel.
10-10-2018 07:06 PM
There is never any real proof what a seller puts into a package. Ebay was built on the concept of trust and that concept is long gone. If you think about it, every single transaction on ebay (other than perhaps local pickup) could go south. I'm afraid for the OP that camera and money is gone. I don't sell internationally. If someone in the US does not want the item then off to the flea market it goes. That's precisely why FB and CL work. Face to Face trading.
10-10-2018 07:16 PM
10-10-2018 07:21 PM
@bubbleman2010 wrote:Posting IDs will always false just their nature....
Sam's right. This is from the USPS site
10-10-2018 07:51 PM
10-10-2018 08:00 PM
There seems to be another issue. When dropping this package off at the post office I specifically asked to add insurance and also signature confirmation. The receipt says it was insured. However in the tracking information online there is no signature and it does not say anyone signed for the package. I stated twice to the mail clerk that I wanted signature confirmation. Is it possible she did not add it? Would it day anything on the receipt? Do international insured packages automatically include signature confirmation?