01-30-2024 12:24 PM
Sold a PS5- buyer hasn't paid yet and I see he has several PS5's for sale on his page. He has zero feedback, account created in late 2023. Says he hasn't paid yet because he needs to get a ride to put money in the bank. Obviously this could be true but also smells fishy. I kind of suspect that he's going to go unpaid and I'll cancel after four days. Any idea why he's doing this? Like maybe he thinks he's "taking out" competing sellers or something? I also think it's possible he could pay for the item and try to get some kind of refund from me so he could make more of a profit from reselling it.
I also suspect that some of the listings contain duplicated items- like multiple listings contain an extra red controller. Or he has three PS5s and he's listed them like nine times, and he's going to use the money from those sales to eventually pay me, and maybe send my PS5 to his buyer. Like he's selling things he doesn't actually have yet. Or he's riding some kind of PS5 Ponzi scheme wave of buying/selling PS5s that someone's going to get screwed in eventually.
Or maybe I'm just crazy. What do you think? I'm not sure if I'm allowed to provide a link to his profile here, but I can if that's allowed/desired.
01-30-2024 12:29 PM
I guess you will just have to wait the 4 days and see if you get paid.
01-30-2024 12:49 PM
Since you appear to be aware of your options if you are not paid in four days, why not just sit back and see what happens?
May I respectfully suggest that, if that happens, you do not engage in communication, just open the case and proceed from there?