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Slow sales since new listing format

I really dislike the new listing format. With the old format I was able to keep up on listings and drop prices ect. 

Ive been selling on eBay since 2009. My sales have never been this bad. I’m down 75% over last year!

anyone else having slow sales?

for the first time I’m wondering if it’s worth the effort anymore

Message 1 of 26
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Slow sales since new listing format

@hipagaintoo wrote:


Ive been selling on eBay since 2009. My sales have never been this bad. I’m down 75% over last year!

anyone else having slow sales?

for the first time I’m wondering if it’s worth the effort anymore



Life cycle

Growth.  -  Peak.  -  Decline.



Message 2 of 26
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Slow sales since new listing format

Howdy hipagaintoo....everyone is experiencing a sales slump right now.  There is no official cause or explanation, unfortunately.   Just read on another posting that the phone app for Ebay is malfunctioning, and I wouldn't be a bit surprised if this is a major component to the low sales, as more and more people (likely a majority now?) are viewing content on their phones and bypassing their home computers altogether. 


Hang in there, Ebay will surely fix the problem as soon as they can, in the meantime catch up on your favorite binge T.V. shows!



Message 3 of 26
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Slow sales since new listing format

@hipagaintoo wrote:

I really dislike the new listing format. With the old format I was able to keep up on listings and drop prices ect. 

Ive been selling on eBay since 2009. My sales have never been this bad. I’m down 75% over last year!

anyone else having slow sales?

for the first time I’m wondering if it’s worth the effort anymore

No you are not alone.

On the quarter report eBay's exec's said that only 20% did not like the new format. Well that number I believe is a gross misrepresentation of the true #'s. Even if it was. that is 5 MILLON SELLERS.  But as in the past eBay has shown that it does not care about its sellers.  A lot like me have started moving to other venues with a lot of success or they have given up on eBay altogether.  I know that once I am established on the other sites, I will no longer be here.  I suggest checking other venues. You will be amazed at how much easier things are. I have already had a return rejected. Never happen here as the buyers protection they so highly touted has once again proven to be a bunch of a males cow manure.

Good luck.

Message 4 of 26
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Slow sales since new listing format

@hipagaintoo wrote:

I really dislike the new listing format. With the old format I was able to keep up on listings and drop prices ect. 

Ive been selling on eBay since 2009. My sales have never been this bad. I’m down 75% over last year!

anyone else having slow sales?

for the first time I’m wondering if it’s worth the effort anymore

You're not alone by a long shot . Many sellers are currently saying the same thing . Nobody knows why sales have suddenly declined  for so many people . Lots of guessing and lots of different theories  but no real solutions   that will put it all back the way it used to be . We simply do not know   . You can try promotions , volume pricing , global sales , adding a bigger variety of sale items ,, take better pictures , change your titles , end listings and then relist ,, have rock bottom sales  etc ,, and pray it doesn't get any worse . Tulips 

Message 5 of 26
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Slow sales since new listing format

for the first time I’m wondering if it’s worth the effort anymore OP 


I've been asking myself that question too . I make sales now and then and it's always great  and uplifting . However when I think about the money I spend on materials , the money I spend on shipping , the e bay fee's , the Pay Pal fees  and the space I've given up in my house   it gets depressing . Frankly , I wouldn't be a bit surprised to find out I  only break even  half the time. Seriously  ,, maybe it is time to go.  Tulips 

Message 6 of 26
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Slow sales since new listing format

I know lots of sellers are complaining about this but I'm not so sure it can all be blamed on GTC.  I think buyers are starting to experience Internet Sales Taxes being applied to their purchases and some are having a bit of difficulty adjusting.  Buyers will adjust in time, as Ebay isn't the only place that has to charge the taxes.  But I do think this is in part what a lot of us are experiencing.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 7 of 26
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Slow sales since new listing format

@hipagaintoo wrote:

I really dislike the new listing format. With the old format I was able to keep up on listings and drop prices ect. 

Ive been selling on eBay since 2009. My sales have never been this bad. I’m down 75% over last year!

anyone else having slow sales?

for the first time I’m wondering if it’s worth the effort anymore

Sadly you are not alone in seeing a HUGE down turn in sales here on eBay since the GTC change many sellers are reporting 40-70% decline since "the change". All I can say is that my listings on other venues are selling but not much happening here on eBay.


IMO the changes obviously did something to eBay's search algorithm and the connections to their 3rd party seller platforms plus many sellers have reported leaving eBay and those folks were also buyers.

Good luck to ALL the small sellers out there!
Message 8 of 26
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Slow sales since new listing format

Tagging - my friend sent me examples of what mobile buyers are seeing - I related in another thread that they no longer see a page of matches to their search like we see on a PC - but an individual listing takes up the full screen. Image 1 is the old view - Image 2 is what they see now - so instead of swiping down quickly thru the first 25-50 results - they have to swipe thru each individually.



Message 9 of 26
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Slow sales since new listing format

@mam98031 wrote:

I know lots of sellers are complaining about this but I'm not so sure it can all be blamed on GTC.  I think buyers are starting to experience Internet Sales Taxes being applied to their purchases and some are having a bit of difficulty adjusting.  Buyers will adjust in time, as Ebay isn't the only place that has to charge the taxes.  But I do think this is in part what a lot of us are experiencing.


I might agree with you if the problems did not happen:

all at once

Effect so many sellers.

Acknowledged by eBay that 5 million sellers did not like it.

If it was helping them they would be happy.

So many sellers have stated that after years of working on finding selling methods that worked for them.




Message 10 of 26
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Slow sales since new listing format

I am pretty much done - I use to have at least 600-700 listings but have decided to have a yard sale which was excellent ! gave remaining items away ..... downgraded store and will eventually stop completely unless some things change and sales pick up - so far I sold one thing this month....

Good Luck to Everyone!

Message 11 of 26
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Slow sales since new listing format

@pauls-parts wrote:

@mam98031 wrote:

I know lots of sellers are complaining about this but I'm not so sure it can all be blamed on GTC.  I think buyers are starting to experience Internet Sales Taxes being applied to their purchases and some are having a bit of difficulty adjusting.  Buyers will adjust in time, as Ebay isn't the only place that has to charge the taxes.  But I do think this is in part what a lot of us are experiencing.


I might agree with you if the problems did not happen:

all at once

Effect so many sellers.

Acknowledged by eBay that 5 million sellers did not like it.

If it was helping them they would be happy.

So many sellers have stated that after years of working on finding selling methods that worked for them.



But for many complaining about slow sales it didn't happen all at once.  It is just that the GTC change was huge and has had a dramatic affect on many.  So it is what gets the attention.  Right or wrong.  But while I think the GTC issue is VERY important, I do not think it is the only thing that might be contributing to this.  More and more states are coming online with the sales tax.  


One more state was added in April, 3 more in May, 2 in June and 8 more coming in July.  It has an impact on buyers whether you want to recognize it or not.  Sure buyers will eventually get use to it, but there will be a learning curve for many of those buyers in each of those states until they come to grips with this change.


I absolutely get it that GTC is really a serious issue for some sellers.  I'm not at all making light of that.  I accept and acknowledge that.  I just don't think it is the only thing causing the issue at hand.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 12 of 26
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Slow sales since new listing format



Hi, Mam. But did you also read post #9 where Mobile is to the point of dysfunctional? If buyers see what that screenshot shows, then no wonder no one is buying or sellers getting any sales. And Mobile is promoted big time around here to both buy and sell. JMO.

I ain't got the brains to make this up (Fantastic Beasts)
Message 13 of 26
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Slow sales since new listing format

@abfabvintage wrote:



Hi, Mam. But did you also read post #9 where Mobile is to the point of dysfunctional? If buyers see what that screenshot shows, then no wonder no one is buying or sellers getting any sales. And Mobile is promoted big time around here to both buy and sell. JMO.

See yet another valid point.  Mobile sales account for quite a bit of the sales on Ebay.  So absolutely another contributing factor.  This is all I was saying.  Some want to blame everything on GTC and that just isn't accurate.  We have other contributing factors.


If GTC was the sole reason for this downturn in sales, the all the sellers that have used it for many years would have been out of business long before now.  There has to be other factors chiming into this mess.  Mobile issues, Sales Tax issues, time of year, search issues, etc.


June is a really busy time for many people.  Summer starts later this month and people are getting outside more, doing more outside adventures.  Graduations, wedding, etc. etc.  June is typically not a good month, at least for me.  But that of course doesn't answer what the heck happened in April and May.  


There just is not a simple answer for the question of why we have slow sales.  It is complicate.  If it were just GTC, then maybe Ebay would be able to resolve that issue.  But it just isn't logical that this is the sole reason for lower sales.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 14 of 26
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Slow sales since new listing format

Most of the folks that used GTC in the pass are sellers with multiples of the same item. I am blaming most of the slow sales to GTC too . Remember, why should a buyer bid now when they can bid in August or in Sept. I say if you have GTC, end them before the 30th day and relist them. Bring your items back to the top for a while.
Message 15 of 26
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