12-19-2017 01:32 PM
So I go to my account, notification bell is lit. I have a sale. Click the X on that item to delete from notifications. Go back later, bell is lit, same item, click x again. Go back later, same thing. I hate that stupid bell! Anyone know the rhyme or reason to it? Is there a setting? I'd like to tell Ebay where they can stick their bell.
12-19-2017 02:34 PM
My bell keeps telling me to bid on an item that's ending soon. Trouble is I bid on that item yesterday and I'm still the high bidder.
12-19-2017 03:56 PM
My bell has been acting up, too. It keeps telling me I have a new message, but I don't.
12-19-2017 07:10 PM
My big account has regular daily activity that I check on almost immediately. When I'm home I find even if I clear the notification on one page it's still there on any other page. Been going on for over a week. I did find the other night if I held the mouse over the bell for sometimes up to 30 seconds it seemed to clear the same notification from my phone. It is annoying but there are always bigger fires to put out.
12-20-2017 11:38 AM - edited 12-20-2017 11:39 AM
Try these Adblock Plus rules:
Start with the first two - the element hiding rules - and see if that does what you want with no side effects.
The third one is a blocking rule to stop the incessant polling for notifications I was seeing on my firewall monitor even though the bell was hidden (I think). It may also block other (annoying) flyouts and notifications - which isn't a problem for me, but you may want them.
12-20-2017 01:05 PM
12-21-2017 10:03 PM