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Shipping Label: LOWER HALF Receipt section is Missing! NEED it for record keeping!!!

Clicked Print Label and it came up without the lower half receipt section...tried again, same thing. Called my sis who also sells in another town, same thing...NO RECEIPT! 


We need that for our records...BRING IT BACK!!!

Message 2 of 75
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Shipping Label: LOWER HALF Receipt section is Missing! NEED it for record keeping!!!

If it is any help to you, I print out two receipts, one for the customer and one for myself. I then use the bottom of my receipt to print the label. This way, the transaction is on the top and I can cut the bottom off and use the label. I just write the tracking and mailing day on my receipt too. A little extra work for you, but I've been using this method for decades. This way, you are only using one piece of paper to print your record and the label. 

Message 46 of 75
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Shipping Label: LOWER HALF Receipt section is Missing! NEED it for record keeping!!!


"Make sure you selected Printable Label. For some reason, it defaulted to QR code on the first label I purchased today. I didn't realize that was what happened until I went to buy the second. I clicked printable label BEFORE I purchased it and the receipt info was there"


Thank you! I checked that via 'buy another label' and the Printable Label box is already highlighted so it's not that.

Message 47 of 75
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Shipping Label: LOWER HALF Receipt section is Missing! NEED it for record keeping!!!

Since you're using Acrobat, that rules out the browser issues that frequently occur with labels when updates are made on the back end.


Points to an eBay glitch. I tagged an eBay rep on this thread, but if you haven't already you should report the issue to customer service. Tell them you already did troubleshooting and checked your settings, that this is an eBay issue not a browser/computer issue.

Message 48 of 75
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Shipping Label: LOWER HALF Receipt section is Missing! NEED it for record keeping!!!

Upper top right hand corner of page is Basic label or something to that effect to switch back too......

Message 49 of 75
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Shipping Label: LOWER HALF Receipt section is Missing! NEED it for record keeping!!!

I just got hit with this crap as well.


It shows as 'print QR Code AND label" and there is NOWHERE to choose to print the instructions/receipt as well. I also notice the G is missing from the left hand box on the label as well.


Switching between bulk or basic does nothing.


WTH would I want to dl a QR code to my email when I'm printing a label? Idiots.


Go fix something that's NOT working and leave alone the stuff that is.

"If a product doesn't sell, raise the price" - Reese Palley
"If it sold FAST, it was priced too low" - also Reese Palley
Message 50 of 75
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Shipping Label: LOWER HALF Receipt section is Missing! NEED it for record keeping!!!

Upper top right hand corner of page is Basic label or something to that effect to switch back ...And I use mine to help avoid switching labels as the receipt has the title of the item on it. 

Message 51 of 75
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Shipping Label: LOWER HALF Receipt section is Missing! NEED it for record keeping!!!

Did you not read? I did that and there is STILL nowhere to select to print the instructions/receipt portion.


Guess I'll be doing labels elsewhere again today (and maybe in future as well).




Can you tell us if this is yet another glitch or intentional?

"If a product doesn't sell, raise the price" - Reese Palley
"If it sold FAST, it was priced too low" - also Reese Palley
Message 52 of 75
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Shipping Label: LOWER HALF Receipt section is Missing! NEED it for record keeping!!!

On my next label it was back. Who knows if it's will stay or not.

"If a product doesn't sell, raise the price" - Reese Palley
"If it sold FAST, it was priced too low" - also Reese Palley
Message 53 of 75
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Shipping Label: LOWER HALF Receipt section is Missing! NEED it for record keeping!!!


"there is NOWHERE to choose to print the instructions/receipt as well"


There is...Wastingtime showed us earlier in the thread. 


1) When on the Label purchasing page, scroll down RIGHT Side to bottom where you can click CHANGE by Print Format. 

2) Select PDF File

3) Select 8" x 11" if that's the size you want

4) Click the Box that says 'Add receipt and instructions" (usps only)

5) Click Save


Note: All my settings were correct, but I still had the no-receipt issue & so did my Sis who also sells on eBay.

Message 54 of 75
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Shipping Label: LOWER HALF Receipt section is Missing! NEED it for record keeping!!!

Same here.  First label of the morning printed with the receipt . Second one a half hour later had no receipt and still doesn't 6 hours later. It IS a problem for those of us who choose to use them.


I thought Ebay wasn't going to make changes in the 4th quarter......

Message 55 of 75
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Shipping Label: LOWER HALF Receipt section is Missing! NEED it for record keeping!!!

I actually did that and I didn't have that option.


I've found I got it back by just switching back and forth between the basic and advanced and changing QR code & label to label only a few times.


BUT you have to do it for each ID when you go to print the first one or it will print without the receipt part.


I did notice that the very first one I printed had no receipt, no G in the box and was also missing the barcode at the top. USPS better not reject it.

"If a product doesn't sell, raise the price" - Reese Palley
"If it sold FAST, it was priced too low" - also Reese Palley
Message 56 of 75
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Shipping Label: LOWER HALF Receipt section is Missing! NEED it for record keeping!!!

@dreamalittledream wrote:

Same here.  First label of the morning printed with the receipt . Second one a half hour later had no receipt and still doesn't 6 hours later. It IS a problem for those of us who choose to use them.


I thought Ebay wasn't going to make changes in the 4th quarter......

hahahahha Yes, you ARE a dreamer.

"If a product doesn't sell, raise the price" - Reese Palley
"If it sold FAST, it was priced too low" - also Reese Palley
Message 57 of 75
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Shipping Label: LOWER HALF Receipt section is Missing! NEED it for record keeping!!!

Is your browser set to open PDF files with Adobe and not its built in reader?

Does the label preview look correct?

What OS, browser, and printer model are you using?

Post a screen shot of the entire label preview page if you can.

Message 58 of 75
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Shipping Label: LOWER HALF Receipt section is Missing! NEED it for record keeping!!!

I know it doesn't help you, but I just print the invoice to pdf by the item number - or if it's of multiple items I save it by the order number.

Message 59 of 75
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Shipping Label: LOWER HALF Receipt section is Missing! NEED it for record keeping!!!

@toomuchstuffagain35 wrote:

Did you not read? I did that and there is STILL nowhere to select to print the instructions/receipt portion.


Guess I'll be doing labels elsewhere again today (and maybe in future as well).




Can you tell us if this is yet another glitch or intentional?

Hey @toomuchstuffagain35! I am going to get this over to our Shipping team to review to see if this is in fact a site issue and I will update you once I hear back!  

Message 60 of 75
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