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Shipped to correct address but item not delivered.


 Got this message this morning and I'm trying to figure out the best way to proceed. According to the buyer, I shipped it to the correct address, but the post office didn't deliver the item. There's a story attached that I don't really understand, but I suggested the buyer contact their local post office and speak to the postmaster to get their issue figured out. As for the item, I made $2 after ebay fees and I'm not trying to have any negative impact on my account for such a small amount. My current plan is to issue a refund for the item when the package is returned. Is this the best course of action. What should I do here?

Message 1 of 7
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Shipped to correct address but item not delivered.

I think a fair course of action it to refund, even less the original shipping. And it's certainly not your place to reach out to the USPS of another's address forwarding request. Good luck and good golly...

Message 2 of 7
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Shipped to correct address but item not delivered.

@fff094 This will be considered delivered by eBay because any address issues are placed on the buyer and not the seller. Buyer will lose all money back guarantee due to this. You were correct in advising the buyer to do the contacting themselves, as this is for them to resolve. That said the buyer can leave you a negative comment. What you should do is refund for the item only, deduct your fees as you did nothing wrong here. You can decide whether or not to refund for the shipping, that might keep the buyer happier. If buyer opens an INR they will lose the case. Best of luck to you.... 

Message 3 of 7
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Shipped to correct address but item not delivered.

I would take it to the PO & tell them the address is correct.  They should re-ship at no cost to you.  

This one goes to Eleven - Nigel Tufnel

Simply-the-best-for-you Volunteer Community Mentor
eBay Seller since 1996

Message 4 of 7
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Shipped to correct address but item not delivered.

@fff094 wrote:

According to the buyer, I shipped it to the correct address, but the post office didn't deliver the item. There's a story attached that I don't really understand, but I suggested the buyer contact their local post office and speak to the postmaster to get their issue figured out. As for the item, I made $2 after ebay fees and I'm not trying to have any negative impact on my account for such a small amount. My current plan is to issue a refund for the item when the package is returned. Is this the best course of action. What should I do here?

If it does end up coming all the way back to you then take your buyers message and the package back to your PO and ask them to send it through again at no charge. I have something like this in my selling account every few years and my PO is always willing to give it a second try for no charge.


Your buyers situation is that they moved next door and updated their address correctly but their carrier -- through force of habit and not reading the exact address on the label -- is returning the package because he thinks the buyer has gone somewhere else.


If they were at 123 Main St. they have now moved to 125 Main St. and updated their address. But the carrier is apparently glancing at the name but not the new number and somehow is not aware that the buyer has simply moved one door down.


If you are able to re-send the package for no charge it might be worth adding a note on the label reading 'NEW STREET NUMBER' with an arrow pointing to it.

Message 5 of 7
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Shipped to correct address but item not delivered.

Since the USPS facility that made an error is the one at the buyer's address, the buyer needs to call that facility and explain the issue.  The USPS carrier needs to go to the address where he delivered that package, explain that he made an error and ask for the package to be returned so it can go to the right person.  

Message 6 of 7
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Shipped to correct address but item not delivered.

@soh.maryl wrote:

Since the USPS facility that made an error is the one at the buyer's address, the buyer needs to call that facility and explain the issue.  The USPS carrier needs to go to the address where he delivered that package, explain that he made an error and ask for the package to be returned so it can go to the right person.  

According to the OP it sounds like the carrier didnt deliver the package anywhere. From what the buyer says in his message it sounds like tracking shows the package on the way back to the seller.

Message 7 of 7
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