06-23-2024 09:02 AM
The pop-up for sending offers changed and I no longer see the option to include a coupon code with the offers to be sent. Is anyone else noticing this? Or is the option still there and I am just not finding it?
06-23-2024 09:12 AM
06-23-2024 09:17 AM
This is what I see👇...they could be testing out that send offer to a handful of sellers. You happen to be part of that handful.
06-23-2024 09:21 AM
Thanks @wastingtime101
As you can see from my screenshot the option to send a coupon is gone for me. I liked that feature and have a coupon that I always add when sending offers. I used the "Tell us what you think" link to send a few remarks 🤣
06-23-2024 09:28 AM
Thanks @ebooksdiva If it is a test, I hope it fails...sooner rather than later.
06-23-2024 09:28 AM
@mcdougle4248 wrote:I used the "Tell us what you think" link to send a few remarks 🤣
Yeah, I was going to suggest that in my reply, but I saw your link was purple which told me you already utilized it.
07-03-2024 07:04 AM
@mcdougle4248 I'm seeing the new design like in your screenshot today and it is missing the option to add a coupon.
I wonder if buyers were getting confused/frustrated thinking the coupon would apply on top of the offer and maybe eBay is getting rid of that option to avoid negative buying experience?
07-03-2024 07:11 AM
I have used a few times this morning. What I see at this point is that I did not see how many watchers were going to get my offer. Could it be all who are watching with the update?
I do like the option of a % or a fixed offer price.
This a way better update than the feedback update.
07-03-2024 07:20 AM
@valueaddedresource wrote:@mcdougle4248 I'm seeing the new design like in your screenshot today and it is missing the option to add a coupon.
I wonder if buyers were getting confused/frustrated thinking the coupon would apply on top of the offer and maybe eBay is getting rid of that option to avoid negative buying experience?
It is hard to tell if buyers were getting confused or frustrated with the coupon. In my experience, I would have to say buyers understood. No messages with questions about it and the coupon code shows an average order size of 8 items.
07-03-2024 07:22 AM
As of this morning, I am missing the coupon feature when seller offers also. It was there yesterday, but gone today. In fact, I noticed the difference a while back - when sending offers from Seller Hub>Overview>Tasks>Listings Eligible to Send Offers, the coupon option was available. If I went to Seller Hub>Listings>Active, and used the Send Offers link in the blue window at the top, the coupon option was missing.
Therefore, I always sent offers from the Overview>Tasks area of the hub because I liked to send the coupons.
I just wish I could get the ability to send the coupons with offers back.
07-03-2024 07:25 AM
@mcdougle4248 wrote:
@valueaddedresource wrote:@mcdougle4248 I'm seeing the new design like in your screenshot today and it is missing the option to add a coupon.
I wonder if buyers were getting confused/frustrated thinking the coupon would apply on top of the offer and maybe eBay is getting rid of that option to avoid negative buying experience?
It is hard to tell if buyers were getting confused or frustrated with the coupon. In my experience, I would have to say buyers understood. No messages with questions about it and the coupon code shows an average order size of 8 items.
@mcdougle4248 those are great data points and yeah it definitely sounds like your customers understood and appreciated the coupon.
Seems like a really bad change that could negatively impact repeat buying behavior...agree with you that I hope if it is a test, it is short lived.
07-03-2024 07:36 AM
eBay has created so many scenarios on selling, that is just out of control at times.
I'm not really familiar with the coupon process. I have noticed when a seller has offered a coupon code on their listing that I may be interested in. I will add the listing to my watch list.
That same seller may send me an offer and when I review the offer, it will state that the offer will not include the coupon on the listing.
07-03-2024 07:46 AM
@mcdougle4248 wrote:
It is hard to tell if buyers were getting confused or frustrated with the coupon. In my experience, I would have to say buyers understood. No messages with questions about it and the coupon code shows an average order size of 8 items.
As you frequently sell multiple items in a single order @mcdougle4248 I can see how the coupon-with-offer would be valuable to your business. The offer is a discount on a single item, but if that buyer wants more than one item, the coupon could be used.
07-03-2024 08:04 AM
I don't care about the coupon thing, but I also have the new send offers page and I don't understand why every single change increases the number of clicks and keystrokes required to do the same thing.
07-03-2024 08:10 AM
@onefootflippers wrote:I don't care about the coupon thing, but I also have the new send offers page and I don't understand why every single change increases the number of clicks and keystrokes required to do the same thing.
One of the things many sellers hate most about eBay.
devon@ebay - please pass on this FB to the Selling team since that's frequently where the pointless and inefficient extra clicks come in to play.