11-09-2018 04:52 PM
We typically do six figures in revenue yearly, and recently we are experiencing close to a 40% hit. Are there any other large sellers experiencing significant drops in sales? It might be the first time in years we do more in our Brick & Mortar store.
11-09-2018 05:13 PM
I have determined that ebay WILL *(&*(&*(^ DESTROY any seller that doesn't enroll in Managed Payments!!!
11-09-2018 05:17 PM
@treeoflifegems wrote:We typically do six figures in revenue yearly, and recently we are experiencing close to a 40% hit. Are there any other large sellers experiencing significant drops in sales? It might be the first time in years we do more in our Brick & Mortar store.
You are like the 3rd or 4th rock seller that has come on here saying the same thing in the past couple of months.
11-09-2018 05:19 PM - edited 11-09-2018 05:20 PM
You can use the search bar at the top of this Board to find threads on NO SALES or LOW SALES.
Or just skim through the first few pages of this Board.
You are not alone.
11-09-2018 06:02 PM
11-17-2018 09:31 AM
I would agree. I have 4 ebay stores and they are all doing terrible. No matter the sales I run or the promotions I pay - there are very few sales. I have been selling FULL time since 2013 (part time since 2009) with great increases year over year and as of September 1, 2018 - I hit a concrete wall. Exploring options including joining Amazon. With all the fees that I am paying, it could not be any higher at Amazon at this point.
11-17-2018 09:46 AM
Since September 1st I am down 50% . I had nearly $4500 in sales for August a traditionally slow month for me. Since then the last 2 and a half months combined I am right at that level. It is garbage and ebay's CEO is behind ruining us for not adapting to their managed payment **bleep**. I have jumped through every hoop and adapted to every change the 1 day handling and 30 day free returns , but to make me accept them to control my payments is out of the question. They couldn't even keep buyers and sellers safe when they were hacked a few years back and tried to hide it from us.