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Sellers will pay for Guaranteed delivery

Ebay seems to be working hard to convince us that sellers bear no cost to participation in the guaranteed delivery program, at least through the end of 2018.  But that isn't true.


If an item is delivered late, buyers may choose and ebay will pay as follows:

  • buyer chooses to keep the item, ebay pays for a rebate of original shipping costs
  • buyer wants to return the item, ebay pays for return shipping.

Under the second scenario, buyer return because of late delivery, the seller must refund the entire payment, including the cost of original shipping, right?


How are you  estimating the expected cost of such returns?  How likely are they?  Anyone worked numbers?


Thank you!


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Sellers will pay for Guaranteed delivery

@mycheaperstuff wrote:

Under the second scenario, buyer return because of late delivery, the seller must refund the entire payment, including the cost of original shipping, right?

If a seller offers returns, a buyer can return the item for any reason - including late delivery  - whether the seller has opted into guaranteed delivery or not. In those cases the seller also loses the cost of shipping. 

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Sellers will pay for Guaranteed delivery

Possibly in the case of the second scenario, Ebay will refund the buyer or the seller for the return shipping.

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Sellers will pay for Guaranteed delivery

Wait, what?

For most items, I charge for shipping and accept returns.  If a buyer returns the item because they changed their mind, I don't have to refund original shipping.  ...or do I?  Is this changed now too?

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