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Sellers selling design items with wrong designer and factory names



This is really hard topic as I tried once helping one seller and it ended up as a storm of insults from the other seller and I needed to block the seller from sending me messages. 


I sell only Finnish mid-century modern design glass. It has been my love and hobby for a decade now. 

I have one nice customer who buys a lot of Kaj Franck design glass and once he sent a photo of his collections to me.  It was sad to see that there was many items which were not designed by Kaj Franck. I was able to help him to identify the glassware as other designers glass from different European countries. 


My next step was to go through Ebay with the advertisement selling Kaj Franck. There are so many items which are listed as Kaj Franck but are not from him. I know it for sure as I have spent hundreds of hours in museums, in internet and in libraries studying his work.  I have made sure that I'm not talking about the advertisements stating "In the manner of Kaj Franck", "Kaj Franck era" or "Similar to Kaj Franck" 


As I believe disinformation should not be allowed but I don't know how to approach this deligate subject carefully enough. 

If  I start reporting items I think I should be able to identify the items as what they really are and I cannot just report items saying "this is not Kaj Franck".  But this method is so hard and takes time going through Google pictures like a maniac. 


I don't want any harm to other sellers. I would love to PM them saying that this might not be Kaj Franck and I have tried it but I don't get any answers. 


What do you other sellers think. Should I just mind my own business even though I really think that others should not be selling glassware as Kaj Franck unless they are sure about it's really designed by him?


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Accepted Solutions

Sellers selling design items with wrong designer and factory names

If you buy and sell in a niche category and people are constantly misrepresenting the products it erodes buyer faith and eventually sales. Plus nobody wants to see a seller get a defect for an issue that could have been prevented had someone given them a heads up.


Think of it as the Ebay version of neighborhood watch. Would you let teenagers run around and tag your neighbors houses because you were too busy? Society functions better when we all care about each other.


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Message 9 of 22
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Sellers selling design items with wrong designer and factory names

Should I just mind my own business?



Forget keeping up with the Joneses. Be the Finklegrubers!
OK kids, time to get the Dodge loaded up again. I hear 'Poppy's By the Tree' calling. This trip might be a long one too.
Message 2 of 22
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Sellers selling design items with wrong designer and factory names

Hi, @cajan-mika. I have to agree with @chrysylys. This is an issue across the entirety of eBay, and even more so when dealing with vintage items. I see this all the time with Blenko art glass, as well. In the past, I've also tried messaging sellers with an extremely carefully and respectfully worded email at times, but I have never had anyone thank me, and have also received some pretty nasty responses in return.


So, I now mind my own business.


You can try reporting an item, but unless it's a highly popular brand or designer item, no one is going to do anything about it, and only rarely is anyone successful in getting an item removed.


I share your frustration as a collector. I've spent hours upon hours learning and studying all I can about the items I collect, and it is galling to see so many items in those categories listed incorrectly,  or represented as something they are not.


I once helpfully let a seller know the $200 Liberty Blue Wedgwood platter he had listed was actually the repro made years after, and worth only $19. I think that one probably earned me an immediate spot on his BBL. Smiley LOL


Just let it go. All you'll get for your trouble is silence or insult, and there is way too much negativity going on around here already. Why invite more?

Message 3 of 22
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Sellers selling design items with wrong designer and factory names

I emailed a seller yesterday because they were selling a repro as vintage. They thanked me and fixed their listing. I don't do it very often any more but every time I've done it recently has been a positive experience. I think it helped because I was able to tell them how to find the repro for themselves and compare it to what they were selling.


Most of the time I just SMH and move on.


Message 4 of 22
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Sellers selling design items with wrong designer and factory names

I've only done it to point out direct contradictions in the listing itself.  Size label pictured doesn't match the text for example.  Those sellers usually appreciate the heads up.


I won't get into what I think something should be, no matter how sure I am.



Forget keeping up with the Joneses. Be the Finklegrubers!
OK kids, time to get the Dodge loaded up again. I hear 'Poppy's By the Tree' calling. This trip might be a long one too.
Message 5 of 22
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Sellers selling design items with wrong designer and factory names

Let's but it this way. Someone buys the item and learns it's not what was said in the advertisement. 

That means negative feedback, returning the money and paying shipping two-ways.


So me pointing out wrongly listed design items can also be seen as a favor to the seller. I believe so but unfortunately the person I tried to help did not see it that way. 

Message 6 of 22
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Sellers selling design items with wrong designer and factory names

You might want to contact the company still best associated with this designer - the Iittala Group (previously Arabia Ceramics Co)  They may have some rights to the use of the Kaj Franck name. If so, they can register with eBay as a VERO owner and that would give them the right to request that incorrectly identified as Kaj Franck listings be removed.

Message 7 of 22
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Sellers selling design items with wrong designer and factory names

Wow. I wish I had that much free time.
Message 8 of 22
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Sellers selling design items with wrong designer and factory names

If you buy and sell in a niche category and people are constantly misrepresenting the products it erodes buyer faith and eventually sales. Plus nobody wants to see a seller get a defect for an issue that could have been prevented had someone given them a heads up.


Think of it as the Ebay version of neighborhood watch. Would you let teenagers run around and tag your neighbors houses because you were too busy? Society functions better when we all care about each other.


Message 9 of 22
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Sellers selling design items with wrong designer and factory names

Yes, it's nice to think of it as eBay's version of the neighborhood watch.  Unfortunately, many, many sellers will not see it that way at all.  So, unless you don't mind being told to MYOB endless times, my vote is to let it go.  

Message 10 of 22
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Sellers selling design items with wrong designer and factory names


If you buy and sell in a niche category and people are constantly misrepresenting the products it erodes buyer faith and eventually sales. Plus nobody wants to see a seller get a defect for an issue that could have been prevented had someone given them a heads up.


Think of it as the Ebay version of neighborhood watch. Would you let teenagers run around and tag your neighbors houses because you were too busy? Society functions better when we all care about each other.


It's a nice concept in theory, @the*dog*ate*my*tablecloth, but as @soh.maryl says, in practice, it's not always appreciated. If I were to message someone saying they had a designer dress listed that the photos revealed as clearly counterfeit, I'm not going to hold my breath waiting for a "Gee, thanks, I had no idea!" reply. Most times, in the realm of designer clothing, accessories, and handbags, these sellers are abundantly aware and don't appreciate the input. I'm these situations, I feel like either Vero will catch it, or they'll get bit by Karma.


In the case of the Liberty Blue Platter I referenced earlier in this thresd, I assumed the seller had made an honest mistake, not realizing the repro existed. I sent pictures of the backstamp an original would hsve, which is unmistakably different from that on the copy, and told him where he could find more info. I was met with silence, and no changes to either the listing description or the price.


My point is that a few dishonest sellers knowingly misrepresent their items. Others are ignorant regarding the item they're listng, but don't care to be bothered.


Messaging someone rgarding incorrect info contained in a listing is risky at best. Glad your experiences have been positive ones.

Message 11 of 22
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Sellers selling design items with wrong designer and factory names

Your thoughts regarding about selling on niche category was spot on.


There is also the cultural fact and disinformation. You know how much people use online information to identify design.


One wrong identification with good Google rating can haunt the Internet for years or even decades.

Message 12 of 22
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Sellers selling design items with wrong designer and factory names


Let's but it this way. Someone buys the item and learns it's not what was said in the advertisement. 

That means negative feedback, returning the money and paying shipping two-ways.


So me pointing out wrongly listed design items can also be seen as a favor to the seller. I believe so but unfortunately the person I tried to help did not see it that way. 

Right, @cajan-mika, on all points. Your goal is admirable. Just don't expect  a thank you and don't expect them to change the listing. 


Try not to let this eat at you. You're not always going to be rewarded for your efforts, though, so just let this one go and move on to help someone else.

Message 13 of 22
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Sellers selling design items with wrong designer and factory names

Thank you for your nice words. It was the first one so the shock was a bit overhelming.


I know I could had chosen my words better with my original message to the seller. I was not prepared.


You are right. I will move on. Just wanted to hear opinions from other sellers and I'm positively surprised of this community.

Message 14 of 22
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Sellers selling design items with wrong designer and factory names

I applaud your integrity.  Some sellers may not be aware of what the item is, some may.  Some may be keyword spamming.


In any case, some may appreciate your info, and many will not.  You might be opening a can of worms trying to deal with this.

Message 15 of 22
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