11-23-2018 08:30 AM
I won a model kit auction on the 25th of September and paid for it the next day. On the 3rd of October I get this email from the seller:
11-23-2018 08:35 AM
It's always better to communicate with the seller rather than jumping into leaving feedback. But the deadline for leaving feedback is 60 days after the transaction, so today might be your last chance.
11-23-2018 09:42 AM
Negative feedback?!? Seller admitted mistake but more imprortantly refunded immediately. Crikey, what is your gripe here?
11-23-2018 09:55 AM
My gripe is they said they would attempt to get the item back but never gave me a followup about how their attempt was going when it was the seller's mistake. I asked if they'd had any luck and never got a response. Bear in mind, this model kit is a rare kit you don't see sold very often. It's not something I can just go purchase from someone else.
11-23-2018 10:05 AM
@m60driver wrote:Negative feedback?!? Seller admitted mistake but more imprortantly refunded immediately. Crikey, what is your gripe here?
The seller entered a contract to sell an item, and failed to fulfill the terms of that contract. Then he failed to even communicate with the buyer. Inability to deliver an item and poor communication. Those are perfectly good reasons to leave negative feed back. If you are a seller and can't deliver the items you sell, you need to leave eBay. Just go. Because sellers like you are destroying the buying experience and hurting this site.
11-23-2018 10:06 AM
11-23-2018 10:11 AM
Go ahead and leave a neg. all it will accomplish is if they ever have another model kit you'd like to own you can rest assured you'll be directed to go elsewhere....
11-23-2018 10:12 AM
11-23-2018 10:17 AM
That's what came to mind. A relative suggested they cancelled and then might relist it, hoping to sell it for more.
11-23-2018 10:18 AM
11-23-2018 10:21 AM
I doubt they'd ever remember me. Besides, if I pay for an item, aren't they, as a seller, required to fulfill their end of the bargin? As long as they make money, what's the problem in selling? Besides, I've contacted them now three times in nearly two months. And that's not strange?
11-23-2018 10:26 AM
@andy7715 wrote:My gripe is they said they would attempt to get the item back but never gave me a followup about how their attempt was going when it was the seller's mistake. I asked if they'd had any luck and never got a response. Bear in mind, this model kit is a rare kit you don't see sold very often. It's not something I can just go purchase from someone else.
@andy7715 wrote:My gripe is they said they would attempt to get the item back but never gave me a followup about how their attempt was going when it was the seller's mistake. I asked if they'd had any luck and never got a response. Bear in mind, this model kit is a rare kit you don't see sold very often. It's not something I can just go purchase from someone else.
Go ahead and leave the negative feedback, for poor communication. If the seller wants to, they can send you a request to revise the negative feedback. Then you can demand a full update on what they have done to get the item back, before you revise the feedback. I predict they will get back to you immediately. Generally even when sellers ignore my messages, they get back to me within about 5 or 10 minutes after I leave negative feedback. They are too busy to respond to messages, but I have never seen a seller who was too busy to send a a request to revise feedback.
11-23-2018 10:29 AM
It never was shipped or the tracking number would have showed it was really lost. You just go into hiding it will get relisted within the next couple months,but the price might be not to your liking....
11-23-2018 10:34 AM
Given the details you've provided about the item and how things went down, it sounds like they got a better offer. I have on occasion gotten an email from a third-party failed bidder, shortly after a big-ticket auction ended, saying something like, "My computer died just before the auction ended, and I was going to bid umpty-bazillion dollars for your item. Do you have another?" That kind of temptation can lead some sellers to bail on the rightful buyer.
If the "shipping error" was them sending it to the wrong buyer, you should at least have seen a tracking number leading off in the wrong direction. Their failure to answer you at all after that is not a good sign.
So to summarize, you won the auction fair and square, paid for the item, then got an unwanted refund, a vague note about a "shipping error," and complete silence in response to further emails asking for updates. I'd say you'd be justified in leaving whatever color of feedback you see fit.
11-23-2018 11:11 AM
Thanks very much for the advice and info. The item was never shipped before they sent a message telling me they'd made the error, so there was no number to track its whereabouts. And they never clarified exactly what the shipping error was; if they wrote the wrong address down or what.