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Just received a notice from Ebay that my seller rating has fallen "below standards". One of the several bogus reasons is a long list of items they said were "delivered late" in January. You can see from tracking that the items were actually shipped early, but the postal service was still behind on deliveries due to Christmas crunch. I also had several items that were shipped on time but the buyers had to wait over 3 weeks to recieve because of Postal service screw ups - one sat in the post office for a week and another was sent to the wrong distribution center. Why am I, or any of you sellers out there, getting blamed for this? The postal clerk said there is nothing they can do, and if you go to USPS website , they say you can not file an "alert" until after  2 weeks.

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Seller Rating


I don't recommend using First Class or Media Mail for business transactions.  They are not as reliable as they used to be.



Message 2 of 9
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@edtrade99 wrote:

One of the several bogus reasons is a long list of items they said were "delivered late" in January. You can see from tracking that the items were actually shipped early, but the postal service was still behind on deliveries due to Christmas crunch. I also had several items that were shipped on time but the buyers had to wait over 3 weeks to recieve because of Postal service screw ups - one sat in the post office for a week and another was sent to the wrong distribution center. Why am I, or any of you sellers out there, getting blamed for this? .

I believe that if the tracking was uploaded to the transaction within your handling time, and the package received a USPS scan within your handling time, how long it takes to arrive at the buyer's location should not matter.


We'll only consider a shipment as late if:

  • Tracking shows the item was delivered after the estimated delivery date, unless there's an acceptance scan within your handling time or there's confirmation from the buyer of on-time delivery
  • The buyer confirms the item was delivered after the estimated delivery date, unless there's an acceptance scan within your handling time or there's delivery confirmation by the estimated delivery date


Was your tracking uploaded on time and did it receive a carrier scan on time?



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What do you suggest then?

Message 4 of 9
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Seller Rating

Stuff that happened in January is just now being held against you in July?

Message 5 of 9
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"Just received a notice from Ebay that my seller rating has fallen "below standards". One of the several bogus reasons is a long list of items they said were "delivered late" in January."


If you want to raise your rating try to focus on the other reasons...


Message 6 of 9
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Timely acceptance scans never been a problem. In a few cases , maybe I provided the tracking number to the buyer a day past my handling time.

Many a time when item sold, Ebay will show "Ship Now", but following day will shpw correct date. Seems to happen with items that I relisted then sold.

On the flip side, when I clicked View Tracking on an item I shipped 06/08, it showed Delivered on my Sold items page when I knew that was not the case as I had been in contact with the buyer.Enter the tracking number on USPS website and it showed correct status. Buyer finally got his item yesterday.

Message 7 of 9
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When I clicked on reasons for their notification about my seller rating, that's one of the thigns they showed.

Message 8 of 9
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There were a few items showing buyer claims not being resolved (for returns). One case buyer returned item and I refunded payment.

The other involved a buyer who wanted to withdraw his winning bid of $80 for a SpiderMan comic from the late 1960's. Said his son placed the bid. I asked if his son knew his password? He said probably left the site open. Then asked you didn't notice him sitting at your laptop all that time? No answer except for that "he will screw me up".  He makes claim that I sent wrong book and sends pic to Ebay showing him pulling out a Dragonball Z comic from the shipping envelope. Who takes pics of themselves opening an envelope?? When I tried to respond thru links in timely manner to dispute claim, always got message link not working or system down.  When I finally got thru to Ebay, they said I responded too late and ruled in favor of buyer.

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