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Seller Hub and Whatever The New Thing Is Called

First, bring back customer service to the USA. Your representatives speak english,,, they just can not understand what is being said. Horrible, frustrating, and anger inducing. 

Second, the Seller hub alternative new yesterday, the one that sort of mimics the absolutely fantastic and easy to use Classic View. When it comes up, it provides the option to use that or go back to Seller Hub. I clicked on the Seller hub and it returned me to that useless, time consuming general layout. 

There is no option to return to the new format. 

We know Ebay hates it money making sellers. We know the fee;'s keep escalating ... but they should at least make using this stuff easy. Seller hub is worthless, but at least the new thing mimicking the classic view appears slightly better.

But how to return to it? The non-english understanding customer rep was a total joke and had not a clue. 

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Seller Hub and Whatever The New Thing Is Called

First of all be grateful you are not in AUstralia, we don't even have a call facility, nor a Let Us Call You option which is why I visit here for help.


I am also sorry to be the the bearer of bad news, Classic has been removed and replaced in Seller Hub


Have a read through these boards, many many threads about it.

I have been imported from Australia and this is my posting ID
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Seller Hub and Whatever The New Thing Is Called



Sorry, the Classic page has been removed and replaced with the All Selling page.

It's either the All Selling page or the Seller Hub, which we have had a few years to learn to use..

Have a great day.
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Seller Hub and Whatever The New Thing Is Called

All of these classic view links should work. They need to be bookmarked & accessed through your browser's bookmarks (for however long they will work), I have been using these all 3 separate tabs or I WOULD NOT BE ABLE TO LIST ON EBAY, IT IS TO CONFUSING for me and you can still go to the seller hub if you click on the side


Classic View  Active Selling 


Classic View Unsold 


Classic View Sold

Message 4 of 9
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Seller Hub and Whatever The New Thing Is Called

@stanr9468 wrote:

Seller hub is worthless

I've been using Seller Hub it for a year now, and would never go back.

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Seller Hub and Whatever The New Thing Is Called

Looking to get from the Seller hub back to the new - All Selling page. Once you click the go to Seller hub link - all options disappear. 

Not knowing what was being discussed caused the click through. 

Seller hub is unworkable. 

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Seller Hub and Whatever The New Thing Is Called

"cinanty" ---THANK YOU 😁    ☯️ MASTER!  Your links made me so happy today cause I can finally  get things done.  

Message 7 of 9
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Seller Hub and Whatever The New Thing Is Called

Thank you for those links.  I had the classic my ebay bookmarked but this morning it disappeared.  I really dislike seller hub and this new my ebay is so cluttered with **bleep** I do not want.  I use the classic active sales because it is the only way I can filter out auctions and figure out how new listings I need. 

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Seller Hub and Whatever The New Thing Is Called

NEVER used seller hub , been on E Bay since 1999 ,  I can see it is a lot of not needed  information , old Selling page now integrated into seller hub .. With sellers selling less than 100 items the old page MUCH easier .. If you are selling lots maybe ok for you ... For me a nightmare , just takes longer to do things , not to mention bland and boring ..

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