11-12-2024 05:04 PM
Trying to list an item. The item description section doesn't show all of the text I entered. Is there a text or character limit that I can post with my item?
11-17-2024 12:49 PM
Welcome to Ebay and to selling here. Here are some links that can significantly help you.
Here are some important links to areas you should really take the time to learn about as a new seller.https://academy.ebay.com/student/catalog?locale=enhttps://www.ebay.com/help/selling/selling/selling?id=4081https://pages.ebay.com/seller-center/get-started/seller-fees.htmlhttps://pages.ebay.com/seller-center/service-and-payments/funds-availability.htmlhttps://www.ebay.com/help/selling/getting-paid/getting-paid-items-youve-sold/pending-payments?id=415...https://www.ebay.com/help/listings/creating-managing-listings/creating-listing?id=4105And make sure you know this policy extremely well.https://www.ebay.com/help/policies/ebay-money-back-guarantee-policy/ebay-money-back-guarantee-policy...
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