04-04-2023 09:57 AM
I see no Search tool on the My Ebay Active list of items. Can someone point me to it? The only way I'm finding to search for items actively selling is to use my browser's search function and to search each page. There must be a simpler way!
04-04-2023 10:35 AM
You need to open up the search.
Click the word search to open up the search menu.
04-04-2023 10:37 AM
There should be a search function just above your listings in sellers hub - active listings.
04-04-2023 10:38 AM
In your active listings, look for this and where is says, Enter value, enter what you're looking for.
04-04-2023 10:42 AM
Spot the Book Title by Simon Drew for sale | eBay
04-04-2023 10:45 AM
I'd suggest putting "Signed" into the title to differentiate yours from others.