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Scrounge Lounge May 2019 MAY*U*N*JOY SPRING!

Welcome to the Scrounge Lounge May 2019 Edition

Our History: The Scrounge Lounge formed on the old Auction Listings board 16 years ago in 2003.

We appreciate ebay allowing us to transfer to the new Selling Board. 


Who are we? Ebay buyers and sellers who love the thrill of the hunt and the thrill of the $ELL.
We find treasures in the usual, and at times, unusual places.
Here in the Lounge we share our finds, talk about sales, share our successes and our mistakes, we ask and answer questions, help identify widgets, and we'd love to hear about all your scrounging adventures!


Welcome All!


To catch up :

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Scrounge Lounge May 2019 MAY*U*N*JOY SPRING!

So, I just got back from six days in the hospital. NEVER leave a sore toe go unattended, particularly of you have diabetes. I now have nine instead of ten.
Message 31 of 158
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Scrounge Lounge May 2019 MAY*U*N*JOY SPRING!

WOW, Kyal... need to be careful with those piggies.  I go to the podiatrist about every 4 months to have them and feet checked out.  Glad you are back home.  Hope it heals well.


Kay, thanks for the directions.  Will try your way this evening.


Sun, M*M and Pat, wish I could send you some of our today.  Beautiful, low 80s, light breeze, sunshine galore -  just a gorgeous day.  We even had lunch outside at my favorite brunch place where I get my grits fix.


OK, time to do something constructive!  Patd

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Scrounge Lounge May 2019 MAY*U*N*JOY SPRING!

Kyal so sorry you had that happen. Hope it heals well. Ouch that must hurt.

Patd great on getting your grits fix. Good deal.
Message 33 of 158
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Scrounge Lounge May 2019 MAY*U*N*JOY SPRING!

Thanks Kay on the ending listings solution.  Worked like a charm 🙂


Message 34 of 158
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Scrounge Lounge May 2019 MAY*U*N*JOY SPRING!

Kyal, so sorry about your toe. I'm glad you are home and on the road to recovery. I hope the walk isn't too difficult minus one digit.

Patd, glad I could help.
I tend to list in batches so the bulk end makes it easier to handle GTC.

Weather here is all over the place. Fog, rain and sun in the same day sometimes. But... no snow, no super hot temps and *knock wood* no extreme humidity, so no complaints. Though I fear when summer finally arrives it will be sudden and severe.

Madison, I thought you'd pop in to announce the new Royal's name. Archie Harrison looks like a cutie. The parents look over the moon happy. I look forward to seeing more pictures.
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Scrounge Lounge May 2019 MAY*U*N*JOY SPRING!

Dtex, so sorry about your loss of a toe, hope healing goes well. Takes a lot of time I'm sure. Glad you're back!


I don't sell much jewelry but can someone figure out what this person wants for measurement? 


HER:what is the measurement of the inside if the bracelet? with out the gap

ME: 2 1/4" width from inside and 1 3/4" height from inside, both "just"- maybe a little less because the twists inside stick out a tiny bit.

HER: Thanks , but what is the inside measurement of the the bracelet . From into end to end so i can figure out if it would fit my wrist ? It has to be 6 1/2 inches from end to end without the gap. Just didn't want to bid until I knew the measurements. Thanks



Does anyone know what the heck I'm supposed to measure?
Doesn't sound like she wants diameter but circumference? 6 1/2" from end to end? It's not like you can 'straighten out the bracelet" and lay it flat. It's UNBENDABLE, says so in description so the measures I gave her were inside diameter. 

The part I don't get is "Without the gap" HUH? Sorry, maybe I'm stupid or just not awake. 

I already wrote back, just wondering what you guys think!?





Message 36 of 158
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Scrounge Lounge May 2019 MAY*U*N*JOY SPRING!

No biggie. I'm looking for one of two cloth tape measures that I have...somewhere. I could use a string I suppose...


Message 37 of 158
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Scrounge Lounge May 2019 MAY*U*N*JOY SPRING!

From What I'm reading, she wants the inside circumference less the opening which you gave in the listing.

Most older bracelets are less than 7".  New ones can be as much as 7 1/2" to 8" inside most folks are bigger now.


Message 38 of 158
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Scrounge Lounge May 2019 MAY*U*N*JOY SPRING!

Thank you PATd.  

I answered her question and clicked add to listing but it didn't or hasn't shown up. 

still can't find my cloth tape.  

Basically, it's not going to fit if you can't get it over the wrist. It really is hard to tell by a photo and a number.

Message 39 of 158
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Scrounge Lounge May 2019 MAY*U*N*JOY SPRING!

I'm off for a week! SOoooo happy.  Yesterday was torture. 4 hours sitting in hard old theater seats in a high school built in 1950 titled "Middle School" but in German. I was in such a bad mood by the time it was over, even half way over....I wanted to scream. It's all so repetitive for me and therefore so elementary.

anyway, I could barely walk this morning after sitting crunched up in those seats. I got up several times too but didn't help.  

I'm supposed to have a doc appointment this afternoon. Still debating (no supp insurance).. I should go but I don't wanna. waaaah.

I am much better now, could not find my tylenol this a.m. but eventually felt better anyway so I still haven't taken any and didn't last night either.

I skipped work after the training yesterday.  We were double staffed (I never get double staff when I work a 3 pm-8 or 9 am)  The guy, our only male staff, was at the training so I asked if he'd mind me not coming in.

He said he preferred to work alone anyway, lol, of course we do!.  Anyway, I stopped at the house to inform/request that I go home and no one there, pouring rain, so I came home..

I was going to call the house when I got home but the phone didn't work the rest of the day.  This happened a few months ago, phone was out for days...

Now it works but she hasn't called so that's a good sign LOL

I have to go outside and walk around a bit. 

My picket fence fell over into the day lilies and crushing them a bit.

The robins are enjoying the rain filled birdbath.

I have little piles of sticks around the back yard, the rain is turning the faded grass a little greener! 



Message 40 of 158
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Scrounge Lounge May 2019 MAY*U*N*JOY SPRING!

@mississippi*mercantile wrote:

  Anyway, I stopped at the house to inform/request that I go home and no one there, pouring rain, so I came home..

I was going to call the house when I got home but the phone didn't work the rest of the day.  This happened a few months ago, phone was out for days...

Now it works but she hasn't called so that's a good sign LOL

I have to go outside and walk around a bit. 

My picket fence fell over into the day lilies and crushing them a bit.

The robins are enjoying the rain filled birdbath.

I have little piles of sticks around the back yard, the rain is turning the faded grass a little greener! 



Have the phone co come check the lines at the pole.  Our phone did that for a couple years while I fought with them whether the problem was inside or outside.  Eventually it started randomly connecting to 911 and after we got swatted I raised holy heck and they finally came out.  Squirrels had chewed and scratched away all the  insulation up on the pole connector block and it was filling with water when it rained.....


Member of the Grumpy Old Man crew
Message 41 of 158
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Scrounge Lounge May 2019 MAY*U*N*JOY SPRING!

Thanks, Dtex! Next time I'll have to give them a call.
I get static, that's it.
I've had a squirrel chew on some live wires atop the pole and fry the neighborhood. It was LOUD so I figured very close by, went outside to see the squirrel hanging there; that was a few years ago.
Message 42 of 158
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Scrounge Lounge May 2019 MAY*U*N*JOY SPRING!

Yea everytime it rained fairly hard our line would be static, nothing else.  Eventually it started connecting to 911 which was not a good thing.

Member of the Grumpy Old Man crew
Message 43 of 158
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Scrounge Lounge May 2019 MAY*U*N*JOY SPRING!


Not a good thing at all, dtex, if you're being charged especially.  Interesting that it was 911 tho..


Happy Friday to y'all!


Sad and scary situation for my co worker and friend's sister, the one I sat next to at that 4 hour training Wednesday, went home and started having stroke symptoms, is now in ICU.   I told ya that training was torture. 

I'm in trouble too, at work. I may not go back. I'm thinking about it. 

Not in trouble but have to redo some med training cuz I flubbed up last Sunday on this one person's meds. I hate classes.   

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Scrounge Lounge May 2019 MAY*U*N*JOY SPRING!

Speaking of meds, my better half administered my IV antibiotics today (I came home with a picc line) without supervision for the first time. And I'm still here to tell you about it!
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