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Scammed by buyer

Sellers beware. Purchased a pair of $150 per of dog cutting scissors and returned a bag of metal balls. Ebay sided with buyer and I'm out the money and the item. Does anyone know how I can get this reversed??

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Scammed by buyer

Did you report them for mail fraud?  Going to need police reports to get eBay to reverse the decision.

Message 2 of 4
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Scammed by buyer



File mail fraud and a police report, then use those reports to appeal the case.

Have a great day.
Message 3 of 4
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Scammed by buyer

You can appeal eBay’s decision. Follow the instructions carefully to give yourself the best chance at reversing their ruling. Include reports and case numbers from the police, postal inspectors and (which is the Internet Crime Complaints Center). Link below to how to appeal. Good luck!


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