11-02-2023 05:42 PM
As a seller do i need to do anything to get sales tax taken out on my items or does ebay do it automatically, thanks
11-02-2023 05:48 PM
eBay now handles ALL Sales Tax matters on your behalf.
11-02-2023 06:01 PM
"As a seller do i need to do anything to get sales tax taken out on my items or does ebay do it automatically, thanks"
As SlippinJimmy said, eBay handles all sales tax matters for eBay sellers.
This is actually the way the laws are written.
eBay sellers are Marketplace Sellers.
eBay itself is a Marketplace Facilitator.
It is the responsibility -- the job, if you will -- of the Marketplace Facilitator (eBay) . . . .
. . . . . . . . . to calculate, collect, and send all those sales taxes to the states where the delivery addresses are located.
There is one thing you should be aware of, as an eBay seller.
eBay's Final Value Fees (FVFs) are calculated on the total amount paid by your buyers. Those total amounts will probably include some sales tax.
Wa-a-a-a-ay too many new sellers come back to this forum expressing their shock and dismay and disappointment that eBay keeps a fee on the amount of the sales tax. Yes, it's true: eBay does just that. Yes, it's legal.
11-02-2023 10:45 PM
You are safe. Ebay is required by the laws of each state that charges sales tax to collect and remit it. So you don't need to do anything at all, not even for your own state.
One less thing to be concerned about. HURRAY !!!