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Reviews & ratings on products are horrible and aren't even relevant!

I looked at a rating for an item I just listed. The rating on the top is 2 stars and has NOTHING to do with me or this product I'm selling. It states the product sent was wrong and that they received horrible customer service. What??! How is this helping me sell something, when right off the bat a customer reads this rating and assumes it's about my product or my service??! No one is going to buy this if they look at that rating. I almost want to put something in my listing about it, but I don't want to call attention to this "rating thing" if there's a possibility they won't notice it, but most people do click on them, especially if they are low. 

Message 1 of 26
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Accepted Solutions

Reviews & ratings on products are horrible and aren't even relevant!

Ask ebay to remove it, click the report link in the review
Link to Spring 2016 seller update FAQ

eBay will remove product reviews if they are inappropriate, inaccurate or misplaced/not related to products, including reviews of a seller in the product review. We are monitoring for violations and users may report violations of this policy by clicking the report link in the content in question and the review will be reviewed by eBay and a decision will be made.

View Best Answer in original post

Message 2 of 26
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Reviews & ratings on products are horrible and aren't even relevant!

Ask ebay to remove it, click the report link in the review
Link to Spring 2016 seller update FAQ

eBay will remove product reviews if they are inappropriate, inaccurate or misplaced/not related to products, including reviews of a seller in the product review. We are monitoring for violations and users may report violations of this policy by clicking the report link in the content in question and the review will be reviewed by eBay and a decision will be made.

Message 2 of 26
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Reviews & ratings on products are horrible and aren't even relevant!

Thank you for this! At least there's something I can do. I didn't want to have to call customer service.


Thank you!

Message 3 of 26
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Reviews & ratings on products are horrible and aren't even relevant!

No problem I hit report as well, I said it was a seller feedback not review.
hope they pull it off for ya.

Happy sellingSmiley Happy

Message 4 of 26
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Reviews & ratings on products are horrible and aren't even relevant!

Great explanation, labs.  Also reported.

Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage. ~ Anais Nin
Message 5 of 26
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Reviews & ratings on products are horrible and aren't even relevant!

I reported it as well. Doesn't even appear to be about the same item.

Crusader Cat is watching

Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself. - L Tolstoy

"You are entitled to your own opinion, you are not however, entitled to your own facts."

Message 6 of 26
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Reviews & ratings on products are horrible and aren't even relevant!

Oh good then maybe OP will have a better chance of selling it.
Hope they pull that review off
Thanks Guys/Gals

Message 7 of 26
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Reviews & ratings on products are horrible and aren't even relevant!

Thank you so much to all of you and especially labs118 for pointing out the report button! It looks like they already took the rating down. 🙂


That worked really well. Thank you!

Message 8 of 26
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Reviews & ratings on products are horrible and aren't even relevant!

The problem with the link is that it does not allow a comment explaining what the problem is.
Message 9 of 26
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Reviews & ratings on products are horrible and aren't even relevant!

There is no button for reporting inaccurate or misplaced/not related to products. eBay does a disservice to sellers (paying customers) by putting these in their listings without reviewing them but will hold a seller responsible for them when they are not accurate.*** A person leaves a 1 star when they did not receive an item. How is that a review of an item? SO simple to review for **bleep** ratings. Why make a seller go through the hassle of reviewing them and then reporting them through a system that seems very inadequate or vague?
Message 10 of 26
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Reviews & ratings on products are horrible and aren't even relevant!

There is no button for reporting inaccurate or misplaced/not related to products. There is no comment section so a seller can explain the problem fully.


 eBay does a disservice to sellers (paying customers) by putting these in their listings without reviewing them but will hold a seller responsible for them when they are not accurate.*** A person leaves a 1 star when they did not receive an item. How is that a review of an item?


SO simple to review for **bleep** ratings. Why make a seller go through the hassle of reviewing them and then reporting them through a system that seems very inadequate or vague?

Message 11 of 26
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Reviews & ratings on products are horrible and aren't even relevant!

Good morning! I found another issue with this rating thing. I have another listing here that has been given a 1 star rating and no review was written. Since no review was written there is no report button. Who knows if this person was reviewing the product or the service he/she was given, but since nothing was written the 1 star rating has to stay?? Would I have to call CS to get it removed?


One more issue, I have around 600 products and there is no easy way (at least that I can see) where you are able to look at the product ratings for each of your listings without going into each listing separately. Checking them would be ridiculously time consuming, especially because the rating can be updated daily. Shouldn't they have a colunm on the active listings page that listing the current star rating? That way we could check them daily.


I think this is a real problem. If a product has 1 star and no write up or if someone is rating some other sellers customer service badly, these things can hurt sales.


Thank for your help in advance!

Message 12 of 26
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Reviews & ratings on products are horrible and aren't even relevant!

Did you know that you can review a product without even buying it? I went into the listing that I mentioned before that had a 1 star rating and just clicked on the "write a review" link and you can give the item any rating you would like and write up anything you like. It was posted to the item within a few minutes. Shouldn't these rating mean something? If anyone can go into any listing and say anything they want how is this helping sellers, or buyers for that matter?


I've found 7 items so far that had seller feedback left on them with a low star rating. I reported them and they were removed, which is great. But this is really difficult to do with a lot of items.


Does anyone know a way to check the star ratings on all your items instead of having to click on each individual listing?

Message 13 of 26
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Reviews & ratings on products are horrible and aren't even relevant!

Don't know a way around a star review without a write up to click on report button. That's a great question
Also there is no way to check for reviews on items in bulk, it's 1 by 1 Smiley Sad

Yes any person can write a review purchase or not
The only semi good thing is hopefully buyers know to look at verified purchase & sellers ID & may ignore a review if it wasn't a verified purchase.

Message 14 of 26
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Reviews & ratings on products are horrible and aren't even relevant!

@labs118 wrote:

Don't know a way around a star review without a write up to click on report button. That's a great question
Also there is no way to check for reviews on items in bulk, it's 1 by 1 Smiley Sad

Yes any person can write a review purchase or not
The only semi good thing is hopefully buyers know to look at verified purchase & sellers ID & may ignore a review if it wasn't a verified purchase.

I really hope they come up with a way to check them in bulk. If they could make a column in the active listing, we could just scan them quickly. I put that in as a suggestion through feedback in the seller hub. Not sure how good that is, but maybe someone will see it.


It's scary that someone could just ruin a listing by leaving a bad comment and a seller won't even know why they aren't getting any sales unless they're checking their listings every day.


Yeah, you hope buyers are going to know not to trust every review, especially the ones that aren't verified. Sad thing is that some people are not going to know that and it might loose someone a sale.


Thank you for your response and your help! 🙂

Message 15 of 26
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