06-01-2023 06:01 AM
If I use the new eBay international shipping program do I still need to figure out international shipping rates or just the domestic rate to get to ebays shipping center? Thx
06-01-2023 06:53 AM
Anyone ???
06-01-2023 06:56 AM - edited 06-01-2023 06:59 AM
You will only need to pay the domestic leg of your shipment...
The buyer pays the international leg (you do not see that portion of the sale)
so, whatever you list your shipping at for domestic is what the customer pays and you buy your label with
so, if an international buyer purchases your item, ebay will charge them for your cheapest option (domestic) and include that amount in your calculation. You then purchase your domestic label to the shipping hub like you normally would to a domestic customer
06-01-2023 07:01 AM
Thank you