06-05-2022 01:04 AM
I know many, if not most, listing problems are user error but...I decided to try a few promoted items. Never, ever, did anything more than 7.5% even come up as a suggestion and that was the most I ever used.
But, just got an offer and it stated that it was a result of a promoted item...at 10.5% !
Is the only answer that I "goofed" or ........?
06-05-2022 04:02 AM
It doesn't matter the percentage you enter. Ebay deducts what they want. You're in good hands.
06-08-2022 08:06 AM
Hello @momdadsstash,
Promoted Listings Standard is designed for you to choose an ad rate strategy that fits their needs. eBay will not change the ad rate strategy without your knowledge.
We suggest reviewing your ad rate strategy to see if you’re using our suggested, automated, or fixed ad rates. Also check to see if you’ve chosen to cap your ad rates based on the strategy you’re using. You can visit our eBay Seller Center to learn more information about how ad rates work with Promoted Listings Standard.