10-18-2019 09:19 PM
Since promoted listings started it has been increasingly difficult to compete with sellers who use these promoted listings as a pay to win strategy. Unfortunately many of these sellers I notice using these promoted listings are lower quality sellers with feedback often below 97%, are not top rated, offer slow shipping, offer non-competitive pricing and some even without tracking!
In today's evolving eCommerce world I understand buyers value a great price, fast shipping, a easy return experience if necessary, and a efficient browsing experience. A majority of buyers often do not go past the first handful of search results for a given search. With the new promoted listing changes on October 1st, I have noticed many search results with the first five slots of search filled with promoted listings.
The worst part of this is those who have spent thousands of dollars heavily discounting items to gain sale velocity, waiting multiple months for listings to rank high in competitive categories, providing 0-1 day handling time, shipping with fast shipping methods, almost always having a better price and religiously taking care of customers are gaining less exposure due to eBay granting five promoted listings slots on top of search results. This leaves the 1-5 organic search results with a less likely chance for a buyer to click on the item.
Prior to October 1st there was two promoted listing slots on top of search results. While still annoyed sellers can 'pay to win' without any meaningful prerequisites, this still allowed the 1-5 organic search results to keep consistent traffic.
To attempt to recover lost business caused by these horrendous advertisements, I've been forced to enroll some items into promoted listings to just be seen consistently by buyers. Luckily some of these products have margins that can afford it, while at the same time lining eBay's pockets with $2500+ a month in ad fees... how nice.
My biggest concern with promoted listings is the lack of quality control. Why is eBay allowing sub par quality sellers who do not promote a great experience allowed to use these promoted listings? I challenge you to search for 10 search terms that come to mind and check each promoted listing seller. I guarantee you will find sellers who either:
- Do not ship within 0-1 days.
- Have a non-competitive price
- Have below 97% positive feedback
- Do not ship with tracking or ship with slow shipping
- Are not top rated
- Ship from location is in China
At this time taken from eBay's website, these are the following requirements for promoted listings:
Promoted Listings is available to all eBay sellers with Top Rated or Above Standard status.
Sellers can promote:
Sure seems like easy requirements right? Have 94% feedback, ship 4 days later, offer no tracking, have a price double the price of the first organic search? You're a perfect fit!
From a buyer's point of view these promoted listings offer zero benefit. With a majority of the sellers who use these promoted listings not offering a great experience expected now in today's eCommerce environment and a competitive price, it's no wonder sellers here are complaining about sales declining on a daily basis and buyers vanishing. Promoted listings simply take away any competitive advantage eBay has to offer buyers.
If eBay wants to continue using promoted listings as part of their business model, that is fine, but I highly recommend adding new requirements for promoted listings and reducing the amount of promoted listing slots at the top of search results. Adding requirements for promoted listings that enforce a great buying experience on eBay will be a win for buyers, sellers, and eBay long term. Not reducing the promoted listing slot #s at the top of search results is simply a slap in the face to sellers who have spent thousands of dollars and multiple months ranking those items to the top of results organically.
10-19-2019 07:16 AM
One problem is the Wenig promised investors that PL was a $1B per year business they could capture at little or no cost.
I think eBay could better increase profits by showing "well qualified" listings based on the revenue each listing will produce. Sorry but that is going to disadvantage TRS and Store owners, but hey!
If I list a book, then I am paying the full 12%, plus 35-cents for over 50 listings. The Megasellers get a TRS discount, plus have a cap on their fees for a month, so essentially get free sales after a certain point. So why not show my stuff FIRST when I generate better revenues and have darn better customer service.
10-19-2019 08:56 AM
So let me tell you my point of view.
I am a seller on eBay for more than 20 years - from 1999. I have always been and am still Top-rated seller. ALWAYS!
But as I am not an American citizen I don't have any benefits from being a TRS! ANY!
Several times here it is debated whether it is worth using the new feature of eBay "Promoted listings".
In the last one-two years, my sales dropped drastically.
So I decided to give it a try. I created a new shipping policy - all orders under 15 $ are shipped without tracking number, but over 15$ with a tracking number. For 35 days, I increased my sales by about 30 % and I sold additionally over 50 promoted items for a total value of over $ 600 and paid eBay Ad tax of $ 9.50. I think it's worth it.
As a consequence the next period, I shan't be anymore TRS, but being Above standard is just fine with me. My rating (almost 10000) and almost zero negative feedback is a guarantee of my high-quality service.
I understand your concern. There are probably many sellers, mainly from China, who are ruining the market and undercutting prices. Fortunately, I do not encounter them because my products do not fall within their area of interest.
10-24-2019 12:46 PM
Sales continue to crater into the end of October... Checking multiple items, the 5 promoted listing slots are taking almost all of the sales! Yet being higher priced, slower shipping, <97% feedback... This is frustrating.
10-24-2019 02:44 PM
First of all, I would never use eBay and quality control in the same sentence especially in light of the reduction in the TRS discount.
For the past two years eBay has only been concerned about their bottom line, and anyone who puts more money in eBay's pockets is a valued seller.
10-24-2019 05:38 PM
10-24-2019 09:14 PM
I believe stores have FVF caps.
10-24-2019 09:25 PM
10-24-2019 09:58 PM
While 'enough' buyers is true, including myself, it is not a overwhelming proportion of buyers based off traffic data and Terapeak data for those sellers using the promoted listings. A considerable amount of buyers do not go past the first handful of search results. Having 5 promoted listing slots on in the top 5 spots is overkill and induces a pay to win system.
On the eBay phone application you can't even see the organic search results without having to scroll down. Same applies for most desktop browsers with normal 'zoom'.
Either adapt or get killed they say, but I'm here to point out the flaws to the Fall Seller update changes with promoted listings. There's been a ton of bad feedback from both buyers and sellers regarding these promoted listings since they first rolled them out. The Fall Seller update only enhanced the worst things about promoted listings including lack of quality control and less visibility to organic listings. Why should sellers have to pay just to be seen by all buyers searching for their item?
10-24-2019 11:51 PM
Well articulated opening post. I agree with you that eBay should put more restrictions on who can use promoted listings to allow better sellers to gain better exposure, but that is never going to happen. This new revenue stream is too important to them.
You have data to back up your concerns and know your buyer's shopping patterns for what you sell, but not all shoppers buy only the items in the top five slots. When i shop here, i examine far more listings than just the top ones, and promoted listings don't entice me. They are paying for that slot and it doesn't mean they are better than the non-promoted sellers or listings. Many buyers on eBay are savvy. If you are the better price, best value with the best service, they will find you --if Search is working.
That said, I think the real issue may not be promoted listings per se having a negative impact on some seller's sales, it is a variety of problems. Many sellers are complaining of dropping sales. Who knows what is going on at eBay. But sorry to hear an established seller such as yourself is having real concerns.
Looked over your feedback and had a few thoughts to share. You sell a lot of product, and savvy eBayers know under those circumstances, there will be a number of neutral and negative feedback that is unavoidable. That is just a given, but you do have quite a bit, and it makes it sound like quality control could be an issue. I am sure that is not the case, but perception can be reality for buyers reading feedback. Your responses to quality issues are the same for every concern, ("We reached out to the buyer to help with their problem. Buyer did not reply") and some might feel this is shrugging off the problem, which of course you are not. You might reword your response, and drop the "buyer did not reply" phrase. Just leave the "We reached out to the buyer to resolve their problem." Buyers want to see how a seller handles issues before they buy, and suggesting that the buyer was not receptive to assistance in every single case makes it appear one is blaming the buyer, which turns buyers off.
The same with packages damaged in transit, blaming the USPS for mishandling, buyers hear it as a seller avoiding the responsibility of how a parcel is packaged to begin with. Using a little psychology when responding to such feedback could be helpful-- The seller's response is the most valuable real estate on the platform. It can help or hinder future sales. And appearing to blame others for issues a buyer has does not encourage sales. Sometimes just an apology will do: "Sorry for your trouble. Please return for a full refund." is a suggestion to replace "Buyer was asked to return the item with a free label. Buyer refused to return." which again sounds like blaming the buyer. Dropping the "Buyer refused to return." and leaving the rest is a more desirable response. Future buyers want to see a seller who stands behind the transaction. With that in mind, I would also reword the multiple identical responses where the buyer missed the return window. "Buyer's request is beyond the free 30-day return policy we offer." could be changed to simply "We offer free 30 day returns."
This response you used several times earlier this year: "We're sorry you're having trouble with your item. Please contact us." is a perfect example of what i am talking about. It shows unequivocally how you support the buyer having an issue without placing blame. The kicker is that the buyer missing the return window is to blame, of course. But buyers can figure that out without a seller saying it. Shoppers will draw their own conclusions who is to blame for problems and will be less likely to be put off.
Well, that's my two cents for what it's worth. Not trying to nitpick, just hoping to shed a little light on the importance of feedback responses by sellers. Buyers can be sensitive to it. Good luck to you in the fourth quarter. Hope all goes well for you.
10-25-2019 02:04 PM
So I decided to give it a try. I created a new shipping policy - all orders under 15 $ are shipped without tracking number.
Wide open to INR abuse which you would lose every time, not to mention the cost and defects you would also accumulate at a steady pace, wouldn't be Above Standard for to long once that happens.
10-25-2019 07:15 PM
Thanks for your comment. We all want to see eBay grow and succeed in the ever changing eCommerce world and this is one of the problematic areas I see on a daily basis, hence why I've taken the time to bring this issue to the community board. Whether eBay makes a change or not, the least I can do is spread awareness and provide my feedback. Remaining silent accomplishes nothing.
On a side note ...
"You sell a lot of product, and savvy eBayers know under those circumstances, there will be a number of neutral and negative feedback that is unavoidable. That is just a given, but you do have quite a bit, and it makes it sound like quality control could be an issue."
While at first glance one may think this, we need to perform some research. Out of the last rolling 12 months we've had 147,791 transactions. Of the rolling 12 months there's 80 negative feedback along with 31550 positive left. A more accurate of solely negative feedback percentage is 0.054% of the total transactions occurred. For more simpler terms that's 1 negative feedback per 1852 transactions. Saying there could possibly be a quality control problem there is simply false. Do I wish that % of negatives could be 0? Absolutely, but you simply can't make everyone happy even with bending over backwards to try to help someone without annoying them with upbeat eBay messages to solve their claim.
I really do appreciate the suggestions regarding the way we reply to buyer's feedback and will factor this going forward to provide a better experience. After three messages to a buyer to help resolve their claim ranging from (free return for refund / refund without return / free replacement / troubleshoot problem) and not receiving a reply, we're simply telling the truth, yet I do see your point. Our method of sourcing quality merchandise to tone down bad experiences over the years has improved significantly. I know this is not a potential reason why sales would decline.
Thanks and also wish you GREAT sales in Q4!
10-25-2019 07:23 PM
A common problem I see with no tracking on sellers using no tracking methods is buyers leaving negative feedback saying they were charged postage due when retrieving their parcel from USPS. This is exactly why I am against no tracking because some sellers do not understand the requirements for some of the methods that use no tracking, in particular flats. This causes a terrible experience for the buyer.
Buyers want to track their order to see when it'll arrive. Especially when the item is needed for a time sensitive event...
Plus, why would a seller want to be wide open to item not received abuse? Unfortunately there are some who take advantage of this and file false claims. With no tracking it's a 100% chance to lose. Dealing with the headache of this is not worth it.
11-27-2019 01:43 PM
Why you care if you sell well and you learned well "keys" of ebay.
You selling from 1999 but your ebay ID name is from 2017...
Once upon a time I was top rated and power seller. This was helped in nothing!
I was selling about 10% of my lists, that time. Then the sells fall to almost ZERO, and that marks gone fast. And now I sell less than 0.1% of my lists per month, with same lists and much more new. In my live here, I made too many lists, that never sold something.
And while the most times my items go to the other side of the planet into 10 days, sometimes need more than 1 month. So for my safety I was set economy shipping, because ebay faulty give too low days as shipping duration for normal shipping.
The systems with the stars also at feedback, its a joke!
And while sellers are happy to sell during Christmas and Easter, my sales fall to ZERO (0) items sold, all the years for months before and after that.
Too much waste of time.
Ebay while make money from me when I sell my items, they do not expose my items at all. Does they win by this? Am I gonna suggest anybody to list on ebay?
By the way, you sell into USA only! I wished I was there too and to sell ONLY into USA.
I needed to make my location USA for to see your items.
If you'll ship worldwide, things will be different, for you too.
You are just, lucky!
11-27-2019 02:01 PM
@arhagelos66 wrote:Why you care if you sell well and you learned well "keys" of ebay.
You selling from 1999 but your ebay ID name is from 2017...
Once upon a time I was top rated and power seller. This was helped in nothing!
I was selling about 10% of my lists, that time. Then the sells fall to almost ZERO, and that marks gone fast. And now I sell less than 0.1% of my lists per month, with same lists and much more new. In my live here, I made too many lists, that never sold something.
And while the most times my items go to the other side of the planet into 10 days, sometimes need more than 1 month. So for my safety I was set economy shipping, because ebay faulty give too low days as shipping duration for normal shipping.
The systems with the stars also at feedback, its a joke!
And while sellers are happy to sell during Christmas and Easter, my sales fall to ZERO (0) items sold, all the years for months before and after that.
Too much waste of time.
Ebay while make money from me when I sell my items, they do not expose my items at all. Does they win by this? Am I gonna suggest anybody to list on ebay?
By the way, you sell into USA only! I wished I was there too and to sell ONLY into USA.
I needed to make my location USA for to see your items.
If you'll ship worldwide, things will be different, for you too.
You are just, lucky!
"Why you care if you sell well and you learned well "keys" of ebay."
So you're implying I should not care if I sell well or not? That's a terrible attitude to have.
"You selling from 1999 but your ebay ID name is from 2017.."
Where are you getting 1999 from ...?
"By the way, you sell into USA only! I wished I was there too and to sell ONLY into USA. "
You have many options to sell with timely shipping in the USA from another country. Suggest researching those.
"You are just, lucky!"
Can you elaborate how I'm lucky? I can guarantee you success is anything but being "lucky".