02-03-2023 10:42 AM
02-03-2023 11:08 AM
Yes, see link below:
02-03-2023 11:24 AM - edited 02-03-2023 11:24 AM
On the listing tool
scroll down to Pricing....
expand "Pricing" (the 'see all options' on the right column arrows)
you can turn 'on' the private listing option in the popup for that listing...
02-03-2023 11:25 AM
Do you mean a listing that is only for one person to buy? If so, just use a "code" title for the listing like SSfg63. Also, make it an auction not a buy it now. that way if another person bids, you can cancel their bid.
02-03-2023 11:50 AM
If you mean an auction for one person, that's no longer available. What I do is change the listing to add best offer. If the listing was originally for $30, I'll change the price to $50 and add best offer. Then tell the prospective buyer to offer X amount and I'll accept it.