11-16-2017 04:12 AM
I am in the midst of my first experience with a "Private Feedback" buyer. I already know it's not going to go well, but they paid so there's nothing I can do at this point.
I had no idea Private Feedback existed, is there a setting to block PF from bidding on your items or do I just have to monitor every bidding list? Any advice is apprciated, wish me luck.
11-16-2017 06:58 AM
11-20-2017 02:46 PM
I didnt know you could cancel a "suspicious" sale. This buyer immediately gave me a hard time about paying, not wanting it, etc. While waiting for payment I also watched their feedback number score go down (ie. from 1220 to 1217) as if they were retracting feedback? Their item was delivered to a PO box which was not on the label I created so I'm (unfortunately) still in the thick of it and hoping for the best.
11-20-2017 03:00 PM
For what it's worth.....my top 3 all time eBay customers (#1 purchased more than 500 items over a 10 years period) all had private feedback.
So I can say with no exageration that my best eBay customers had private feedback and never caused one bit of trouble.
11-20-2017 03:22 PM
@bessfriends wrote:I didnt know you could cancel a "suspicious" sale. This buyer immediately gave me a hard time about paying, not wanting it, etc.....
You can't. Did you read the thread that I linked to, or did you just read the title? My resonse to that poster was: "Alas, you have no legitimate reason to cancel this transaction."
11-20-2017 04:11 PM
Buyers used to use private feedback to hide what they were buying. But then eBay essentially made all buyers private by hiding buying history.
I guess eBay agrees with Jay Leno: "That's what the internet was invented for"
11-20-2017 04:48 PM
@johnfduda wrote:Buyers used to use private feedback to hide what they were buying. But then eBay essentially made all buyers private by hiding buying history ....
Bu a persistent snoop can still sometimes figure out what you bought by back-tracking through your sellers' feedback. Hence the holiday-season pricate settings.
11-20-2017 05:01 PM
@chrysylys wrote:PF in and of itself is not a problem, nor an indication of a problem buyer. Whatever problem you're having could be from any member, PF or not.
If item descriptions were not included or if FB were not visible to anyone but sellers involved in a transaction, there would be no need for it.
There's no item descriptions included for buyers, so there is no need for it... except to allow buyers to hide the ridiculous comments and partial refund extortion feedbacks they left.
11-20-2017 05:08 PM
@slippinjimmy wrote:For what it's worth.....my top 3 all time eBay customers (#1 purchased more than 500 items over a 10 years period) all had private feedback.
So I can say with no exageration that my best eBay customers had private feedback and never caused one bit of trouble.
A lot of Private f/b buyers have that setting from way back, when you could actually see what they'd bought from the feedback page.
At this time of year, many members will set to private so snoopy friends and family can't find out what they have purchased.
Snoopy friends and family can't see what the buyer purchased, unless they're logging in on the buyer's account... in which case having the feedback Private is useless because they can then just look at the Purchase History.
11-20-2017 05:25 PM - edited 11-20-2017 05:26 PM
@ted_200 wrote:
... Snoopy friends and family can't see what the buyer purchased, unless they're logging in on the buyer's account....
We'll spell it out for you: I can see the feedback comment that you left for mojo51blue. I go to that seller's feedback history, find the comment you left, and see the listing information and link for the quarter collection.
11-20-2017 06:14 PM
@partial*eclipse wrote:
@ted_200 wrote:
... Snoopy friends and family can't see what the buyer purchased, unless they're logging in on the buyer's account....We'll spell it out for you: I can see the feedback comment that you left for mojo51blue. I go to that seller's feedback history, find the comment you left, and see the listing information and link for the quarter collection.
Right... but I could prevent that by not leaving f/b until after who ever I bought the gift for gets it (which might not be a bad idea on a gift). Private feedback does prevent anyone from seeing the Seller's ID, which is the only information left on the feedback page now. But that's a lot of work with most sellers, you'd have to search around a while... trust me, I've done this for a couple of my buyers... particularly with all the feedback dates removed.
But my guy here is a low f/b seller, and I left it today, so it's not very hard to find.
I'm not sure why they left that info. there (the seller's ID) anyhow.
11-20-2017 06:18 PM
Anyhow, you can't block Private Feedback buyers. If you sell Auctions, you could monitor the bids, and cancel and block individual buyers with Private Feedback, but that's probably not going to help you avoid very many problems, and would likely end up costing you money (bid level) in the end.