10-21-2024 04:55 PM
In July, August & September I had sales of 20, 22 & 18 items & alot more views than normal of my other listings. This was alot for me because I usually make only a few sales monthly. On October first all the interest died & I have only 3 sales so far this month. It was like a switch was turned on July 1st & off on October 1st. I did not change anything in my listings so I have no idea what started & stopped it. Please do not say anything about my policies because they are necessary so I get paid fast because I run my sales on a shoestring. ihave been a seller for 21 years so I remember how much easier it was to sell then.
10-21-2024 05:13 PM
There's many reasons this kind of thing can happen. Not all of them are environmental and in my opinion most of them are completely artificial.
10-21-2024 06:38 PM
Well it comes down to demand and interest then. Back in July, August and September buyers were interested in purchasing what you have. Here in October they are not. It's just slow for you. One thing I have noticed is that you haven't really been listing stuff. That can cause an issue. The other issue is your prices. For example you 1981 Vintage Smithsonian Book Of Comic Book you have a starting bid at $40. Many others are up for sale at $10-$15. Several sold for $5.50. So you might want to do some research on your prices.
10-21-2024 07:11 PM
@ourancestorsattic wrote:In July, August & September I had sales of 20, 22 & 18 items & alot more views than normal of my other listings. This was alot for me because I usually make only a few sales monthly. On October first all the interest died & I have only 3 sales so far this month. It was like a switch was turned on July 1st & off on October 1st. I did not change anything in my listings so I have no idea what started & stopped it. Please do not say anything about my policies because they are necessary so I get paid fast because I run my sales on a shoestring. ihave been a seller for 21 years so I remember how much easier it was to sell then.
It's pretty mysterious. Sometimes when I make a sale the lights in my house cut out. Sometimes when I make a unique decision in my life I make a sale at that precise moment.
I'm not one to be superstitious when it comes to business but sometimes I feel like a ghost is following me!
10-21-2024 07:46 PM
Shopping habits start shifting about this time as people are purchasing for holiday occasions. Also, if you indeed have not been listing new items, with your small inventory you may be facing the fact that all of your in-demand items sold and you have what is left over.
The best thing to do is to stay consistent and active on the platform.
10-21-2024 11:34 PM
My sales have been slowing increasing since late August. That is a bit early for me in a normal year, but no complaints here. The increases are slow, but sales are picking up for me. I hope everyone else's sales pick up too.
10-22-2024 03:22 PM
Absolutely dead this week .
10-24-2024 01:19 PM
I have a ghost following me but I've never related it to my sales. My sales dropped off hard this month but I'm not sure why. I think some people are avoiding their internet devices to avoid the election... or too distracted by the election on their devices?... Or broke from summer travel etc? Maybe I need an exorcist?
10-24-2024 01:29 PM
Sellers have been reporting a "sudden" drop in sales here every day, every week, every month for the past 10 years.