06-01-2017 01:58 PM
Can't use Sell Similar; all I get is half of the listing and the Spinning Wheel of Doom. I assume it's because photos aren't loading.
I just received some inventory that sold out very quickly; it would be, you know, advantageous to me to be able to relist it.
_ _ _ _ <--- use your imagination
06-01-2017 02:07 PM
Oh wait, I apologize to ebay (not really). I switched to another browser and when that worked, I got the red Duplicate Listing warning.
Seems as though the previous attempts with the Spinning Wheel of Doom actually did create a listing. How would I know that, when the page was frozen?
Of course, the relist (sell similar) occurred while I was unable to make changes to the description, shipping, price, etc., so that I had to go in and revise. This is a giant time suck but what else should we expect from a fabulous technology company.
Sorry, but the 5-6 days of the buyer protection glitch have me a bit on edge.
06-01-2017 02:10 PM
06-01-2017 02:11 PM
I've been having the same problem for the past 2 hours on eBay. It took me forever to pull up some pages today.
06-01-2017 02:41 PM
It is not your browser, ebay servers have been stalling for the last two days, for the last year, for the last few years, when you close your browser and come back the traffic can be routed to a new server via load balancing in the data centers.
Problem is, eBay is not good enough at this process or it would never happen in the first place.