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Not having as much sells.

Hello I’m not that much of a new seller can anyone look at my items for sale and tell me why I get views but not as much sales? I watch videos on other ebay seller and they like 10 items in one day. I have over 100 items I do try listing everyday..just need someone to check it out and give me some feedback on what I should change
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Accepted Solutions

Not having as much sells.

Hi, I took  look at your current and completed listings and you are doing pretty well, all things considered. Your sales, while not prolific, are steady. That helps your listings in Search order. Consistent sales can help keep you ranked above the competition. You have built a foundation to grow on. Like most things, there is more that can be done to improve your sales and traffic. Presentation is the key. 


Other posters have advised about providing more pictures, clearer images, and better perspective of the items. The entire item needs to be shown in the galley photo. Then detailed close-ups should follow. Show the top, bottom, sides. Include important tags and any flaws. Put yourself in the buyer's shoes. He can't hold the item or examine it, your pictures must do that for him (along with complete descriptions).


Most of the descriptions i saw were lacking in important information, and it is a bad habit to say "see pictures" instead of adequately describing the item yourself. Yes, it requires more listing time to do so, but there is little chance of selling more items that way. Buyers may hit the back button, because there is always another seller with a better described item waiting in the wings. Detailed descriptions are a necessary selling tool, especially for smaller sellers. I did note your Item Specifics looked good in many listings, so you are half the way there. 


Take for example, the "23 Blu Ray Loose Disc Lot". In the description field you wrote "What you see is what you get." Ok, so what do I see? One photograph of the top disc in a pile. Nothing more. Would you buy this? You say there are blockbusters included, but fail to disclose what they are. No one is going to find this listing because there are no details that can lead a buyer to it. There are over 3000 Blu Ray disc lots right now on eBay. At least spread the lot out and photograph the titles in small groups. 


Flaws and/or damage also needs to be chronicled, especially with the threat of a Not As Described case always possible. In your purplish Nike athletic shoe listing, you wrote, "Little messed up front side, see pictures." I looked at them but they were not clear enough for me to understand what "little messed up" means. Were they scuffed, abraded, split? What was the measurement of the flaw? Which shoe? Which side? You are asking a buyer to take a chance on your item without giving them any information to make an informed decision. Same with the Spiderman Green Goblin Funko listing. The title says the box is damaged. Looking at the photos, I could not tell what that damage was, nor did the description explain it. The shopper will simply move on to one of the other 49 listings for the same item. 


My last point is about returns and handling time. Not accepting returns on eBay is risky, in my opinion. Buyers who are determined to return an item will find a way. And that can be a Not As Described case in order to force a refund. While No Returns is still a choice offered by eBay, it doesn't reflect the reality of the platform-- any buyer can return any item at any time for any reason by opening a NAD claim. So at least consider a 30 day return policy with buyer pays return shipping, to help protect your account from false NADs. I see you have a 3 day handling time. Since you offer free shipping, if the handling time was one day, you might receive better placement in Search, and could be eligible for the Fast and Free logo. Just something to think about. Below is a link to eBay's Best Practices for improving Search rankings, for your perusal. Wish you much good luck and do come back if you need anything.



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Message 6 of 8
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Not having as much sells.

You have very nice items for sale. Here are my suggestions, take them or leave them.

1. Your pictures. The first picture needs to be a picture of the entire item. A lot of your pictures only show partial pics of the items, a corner or a side cut off. Some pictures are too far off, trim them up. The shoes cut off part of the side. The nascar pictures cuts off a corner, there are dark shadows on some of your pictures.

2. Your titles. Use the entire line for the title as many descriptive words that you can, like your red shoes don't have red in the title. Put the size and color in the titles. This is how people find your item. Anything with a year of manufacture, put it in the title.

3. Your DVD lots. Type out the titles of each of the DVDs in the description. I know it's a lot of work, but you only have to do it once. People might find what they are looking for.

4. Clothes, put in the measurements (how many inches long, how many inches wide) and if it is machine washable.



Message 2 of 8
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Not having as much sells.

Your listings could use a little work as described by candd205.


If you get a negative feedback, make sure to add a highly professional response to the feedback without shaming the buyer.


If it were me, I would just keep listing items if I had listings available. If you have the time available, just keep working at it. Sales are slow now across a lot of eBay accounts due to the overall state of the economy so don't feel too bad. I have over 1,300 listings across accounts and I am seeing the slowest period in the last 4 years. November has been brutal. 


Message 3 of 8
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Not having as much sells.

Agree with the posters here, your pictures need work. Looks like you are taking photos looking down on item, you need to be at eye level.

     Exp: REM dvd, what songs are on it? Picture of back of case, the inside all would be nice. You get 12 pictures, use most or all.

     One beanie baby Gigi, you show the top of her head, again eye level.

     Your pictures and title are the most important selling tool given to you and you get 1 shot at getting it right, make it count for you! Other than that I can't add anything more to what the previous posters stated, good luck to you and a good Holiday season to you and your family.

Message 4 of 8
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Not having as much sells.

Your prices seems very high for "used items".   To price your items for exact item on EBAY...then click SOLD LISTING (that will give sold price).    Beanie Babies are a commodity and there are hundreds of selling probably selling the same you have to price them competitively.  If you just want to "get rid of them" and need to sell could change listing to allow "best offer".    Good luck to you!

Message 5 of 8
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Not having as much sells.

Hi, I took  look at your current and completed listings and you are doing pretty well, all things considered. Your sales, while not prolific, are steady. That helps your listings in Search order. Consistent sales can help keep you ranked above the competition. You have built a foundation to grow on. Like most things, there is more that can be done to improve your sales and traffic. Presentation is the key. 


Other posters have advised about providing more pictures, clearer images, and better perspective of the items. The entire item needs to be shown in the galley photo. Then detailed close-ups should follow. Show the top, bottom, sides. Include important tags and any flaws. Put yourself in the buyer's shoes. He can't hold the item or examine it, your pictures must do that for him (along with complete descriptions).


Most of the descriptions i saw were lacking in important information, and it is a bad habit to say "see pictures" instead of adequately describing the item yourself. Yes, it requires more listing time to do so, but there is little chance of selling more items that way. Buyers may hit the back button, because there is always another seller with a better described item waiting in the wings. Detailed descriptions are a necessary selling tool, especially for smaller sellers. I did note your Item Specifics looked good in many listings, so you are half the way there. 


Take for example, the "23 Blu Ray Loose Disc Lot". In the description field you wrote "What you see is what you get." Ok, so what do I see? One photograph of the top disc in a pile. Nothing more. Would you buy this? You say there are blockbusters included, but fail to disclose what they are. No one is going to find this listing because there are no details that can lead a buyer to it. There are over 3000 Blu Ray disc lots right now on eBay. At least spread the lot out and photograph the titles in small groups. 


Flaws and/or damage also needs to be chronicled, especially with the threat of a Not As Described case always possible. In your purplish Nike athletic shoe listing, you wrote, "Little messed up front side, see pictures." I looked at them but they were not clear enough for me to understand what "little messed up" means. Were they scuffed, abraded, split? What was the measurement of the flaw? Which shoe? Which side? You are asking a buyer to take a chance on your item without giving them any information to make an informed decision. Same with the Spiderman Green Goblin Funko listing. The title says the box is damaged. Looking at the photos, I could not tell what that damage was, nor did the description explain it. The shopper will simply move on to one of the other 49 listings for the same item. 


My last point is about returns and handling time. Not accepting returns on eBay is risky, in my opinion. Buyers who are determined to return an item will find a way. And that can be a Not As Described case in order to force a refund. While No Returns is still a choice offered by eBay, it doesn't reflect the reality of the platform-- any buyer can return any item at any time for any reason by opening a NAD claim. So at least consider a 30 day return policy with buyer pays return shipping, to help protect your account from false NADs. I see you have a 3 day handling time. Since you offer free shipping, if the handling time was one day, you might receive better placement in Search, and could be eligible for the Fast and Free logo. Just something to think about. Below is a link to eBay's Best Practices for improving Search rankings, for your perusal. Wish you much good luck and do come back if you need anything.



Message 6 of 8
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Not having as much sells.

Thank you so much. This helps alot  And on the fast n free shipping I do see that on my listing.

Message 7 of 8
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Not having as much sells.

@fashunu4eeuh. You certainly deserve 10 thumbs up for that valuable post to the OP! KUDDOS!!!!

Message 8 of 8
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