10-08-2022 04:44 AM
I have just spent 50 minutes with a charming eBay rep in South Africa trying to set up postage for a listing I have done many times before on the old listing tool. She constantly had to consult colleagues because there were no answers to the postage option issues that the new ‘tool’ offers, let alone all the time-wasting drop-down options we have to find. We agreed that IT’S SO MUCH OF A MESS that even they don’t know how to navigate it. AND, when you click for a preview there is NO WAY BACK TO THE LISTING YOU ARE WORKING ON. You must go back into draughts.
This has been created by ‘smart’, childish programmers who are not old enough to know how the world and its occupants work.
10-08-2022 07:40 AM
I thought that the preview link not working was only my problem (i.e. the browser etc). What a disaster. Such a big company and can't produce a 100% working product. Also, adding my own specifics with the + sign, does not work, the form does not remember it, the next time I want to use it. Like with every other numerous ebay glitches, it is up to the user to figure out how to make things work.
10-08-2022 08:10 AM
I would have hung up after 5 minutes. If you have a listing with the shipping you want you can do sell similar and the shipping will carry over.
I never preview a listing. I let it go live and check for errors there.
10-08-2022 11:00 AM
Talking to an eBay "Customer-No-Service" rep on the phone is meaningless. They are not eBay employees, could be anywhere in the world, and will often tell you anything you want to hear, just to get you off the phone or send you on your way with wrong advice.
Use the message button at eBay For Business on Facebook, or the equivalent process on Twitter, if you need to contact a real eBay employee who knows what they're talking about and can has the authority to get most problems solved.
Cheers, Duffy