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New eBay GM "Save time by automating your offers to buyers" But dose Not explain the pitfalls !

eBay's current fee structure presents several concerning issues that need urgent attention. Firstly, the practice of perpetually charging sellers for promoted listings to the same customer, even for repeat purchases of the same item within a short timeframe, is unfair and exploitative. Sellers should not be subjected to perpetual charges for the same customer interaction, as this can quickly add up and become financially burdensome.

To address this issue, eBay should implement a policy where promoted listings are charged only once to a specific customer for a particular item. Once a customer has clicked on a promoted listing and made a purchase, subsequent clicks on the same item by the same customer should not result in additional charges to the seller. This ensures fairness and prevents sellers from being unfairly penalized for repeat business with existing customers.

Additionally, eBay should reconsider its approach to promoted listings and focus on bringing in new customers rather than perpetually charging sellers for existing customers. Promoted listings should be used as a tool to attract new customers to sellers' stores, not as a means of extracting ongoing fees from existing customers. By shifting the focus to acquiring new customers, eBay can better support sellers' growth and success on the platform.

In conjunction with addressing perpetual charges for promoted listings, eBay should also reevaluate its policy on combining fees for promoted listings with seller-generated offers. Charging sellers double fees for the same transaction unfairly burdens sellers and discourages them from utilizing promotional tools to enhance sales. eBay should revise its policy to ensure that sellers are only charged once for each promotional action, whether it's a promoted listing click or a seller-generated offer.

Overall, eBay needs to adopt a more seller-friendly approach to its fee structure, one that promotes fairness, transparency, and partnership between the platform and its sellers. By addressing the issues of perpetual charges for promoted listings and double fees for combined promotions, eBay can foster a more supportive and equitable environment for sellers to thrive and succeed.

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New eBay GM "Save time by automating your offers to buyers" But dose Not explain the pitfalls !

Have You experienced the “Bait and Switch” by Promoted Listing? Specifically with Fixed Price Best Offer Listings that are Promoted. 

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New eBay GM "Save time by automating your offers to buyers" But dose Not explain the pitfalls !

Yes, I'm all too familiar with the issue you've described. It's frustrating to deal with eBay buyers sending offers after clicking on a promoted listing. While eBay's addition of a small warning message is a step in the right direction, it still leaves much to be desired in terms of transparency.

One suggestion I have for eBay is to only allow one promotion at a time. This would eliminate the confusion and double fees that sellers like us are currently facing. By implementing this change, eBay could ensure a fairer and more transparent selling environment for all.

I hope eBay takes this feedback into consideration and works towards implementing improvements that benefit both sellers and buyers.

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New eBay GM "Save time by automating your offers to buyers" But dose Not explain the pitfalls !

Its similar but not quite as transparent as the issue You described. Im experiencing is leaning more on the side of questionable business practice, some may even call it deceptive. 

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