03-05-2020 06:40 PM
I am in awe how some Sellers are able to get 5-10 sales daily and at great selling prices. I work very hard to get my sales. Are they working harder or are they getting special treatment? Some Sellers have great products, but not all of them.
What have you witnessed or believe is the reason for those Sellers to rarely experience a slow down in sales and get great prices?
Am I jealous, you bet........, but not in a sick way. Just trying to learn, what I need to be doing differently.🤔
03-05-2020 07:00 PM
Some do outside advertising on their own like on you tube. Some send business type cards in their sold items so they are easily found again.
03-05-2020 07:30 PM - edited 03-05-2020 07:30 PM
In my case, I have many regular customers who make frequent repeat purchases. I am also fortunate enough to have met many of them in person at shows.
Additionally, I was selling mail order before eBay existed, and have over 22 years here, so my buyers know they will get items that have been described honestly.
03-05-2020 07:54 PM
It's hard to say without knowing what you sale and without seeing your listings. I know for sure in collectables there are a handful of sellers who always get more buyers. Those same folks when they list in auction format always get higher bids then the rest of us. It could be because they have a following and are well known in the niche they sell in. It could also be because your competition has better prices, pictures, descriptions etc. It could also be since they have a higher sell-through it keeps them on the first page of best match.
03-05-2020 09:02 PM
If you aren't getting sales you could start by lowering the prices of your hats. They seem to be a bit much.
03-05-2020 09:28 PM
I have seen this quote credited to several people but I contend the message is more important than who said it:
If you would be a success in this world find a need and fill it.
I see many posts on these boards asking, in one form or another, “what is a hot selling item I should be selling”. To me that is the wrong question. The question ought to be what do people want the NO ONE is selling.
Just a couple of examples:
I sell a collection of NCAA license plates. And I sell them at a fairly steady clip. BUT At a recent trade show I found some plates for Slippery Rock University. Frankly, I had never heard of them. But I did a quick check and found that no one had them for sale. So I bought a bunch. The theory was that people who graduated from that school had heard of them. I sold them out almost immediately. Sales that I would not have made if I stuck with the “tried and true”. While they were listed I did a Google search and my page came up as the first line on the first page. That is every e-tailer’s dream. In other words a graduate of SRU wanting a plate pretty much had to come to me.
I have gone to various trade show booths to buy product. While making my choices I have had the salesman occasionally say “Oh you don’t want that one - they don’t sell very well”. So I buy twice as many. Precisely because the salesman has convinced others not to buy it. The product then becomes the equivalent of the SRU plates above. If I am the only one, or one of only a very few, selling it then you pretty much have to come to me.
There are 7 1/2 billion people in the world. I only need to reach a dozen or so to make the above worthwhile.
Granted this does not completely answer your question but I suggest it is at least one facet of it.
03-05-2020 09:39 PM
@richard1rst wrote:I have seen this quote credited to several people but I contend the message is more important than who said it:
If you would be a success in this world find a need and fill it.
I see many posts on these boards asking, in one form or another, “what is a hot selling item I should be selling”. To me that is the wrong question. The question ought to be what do people want the NO ONE is selling.
I've had the same experience-- I bought a lot of merchandise based on a particular TV show, and I assumed that the items that would sell first would be the ones with the popular characters on them. Nope, the one that sold first was the one with a character I thought no one really cared about, and I suspect it sold BECAUSE the makers of the show didn't think anyone cared about that character and thus didn't make much merchandise for him, meaning there wasn't much out there for people who were in fact fans of that particular character.
03-05-2020 10:26 PM
@getitright1234 wrote:Some Sellers have great products, but not all of them.
A "great product" (whatever that mean) is only one aspect of a sale.
Demand, supply, price, pictures, condition, description, keywords, item specifics, return policy, shipping cost, seller reputation, timing and luck all play a part in whether an item sells or not.
03-06-2020 09:42 AM
Thank you for your post, it has refreshioned my take on what to buy and list.
03-06-2020 10:12 AM
@richard1rst wrote:“what is a hot selling item I should be selling”
Those that ask that question are already doomed.
Who wants to willingly engage in a race to the bottom?
03-06-2020 10:55 AM
03-06-2020 11:13 AM
I see you listed and sold 1 item. Do you list under a different user name?
Anyway- sponsored listings (promotions)- always join- even 1%. I looked at your belt, click the 'original listing', scroll down to see the description and what do I see before I get to that description?
6 other 'sponsored' similar items- some cheaper than yours. It's a great way for me to be taken to another sellers listing and purchase theirs. If you had multiple listings- these would all be your items shown so if I click, I'm still looking at your stuff.