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My Ebay sales are down 69% in the last 30 days!

I went from running 400-500 listings to now this month about 30. The computer algorithms that the eBay "TEAM" (Cough, Cough) cant even generate a single sale now that I have decreased my listing totals. I brought 3 carloads of ebay inventory to the church down the street. They were really happy to have it.


Is anyone else having this huge type of sales drop? Along with that customers are asking me information about the item that I already took time to type into the description which tells me that the click description button is now quietly being implimend.

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My Ebay sales are down 69% in the last 30 days!

@mistwomandancing wrote:

cad777864 wrote:..........If you try and plant the idea to some that it's just you and what your selling, or the economy, then some actually believe this and go away.  Problem is now, there is far to many of us, and not enough cheerleaders to make us go away.


Why would a *cheerleader* try to make others Go Away, if they are saying they aren't getting the sales, which means... they wouldn't be much competition anyway?  I don't get it.  The ones who AREN'T taking away the sales wouldn't be the ones who are hurting anything.  There ARE sellers who are the ones getting the sales, but those are the ones who likely aren't going to be going away anytime soon.  Smiley Very Happy


And if you look into the sales record in the category/products you deal in and you aren't seeing those sales... what does that tell you about the area you've chosen to sell in here?  If you aren't finding the sales happening, why would you pursue efforts in those areas?


And I guess I'm a cheerleader then, but I and so many family/friends who list AND SELL here face the ups and downs, just like everyone else does.  As you, have been here for years.  Have seen the Hot Items come and go.  Have seen the decorating trends come and go.  Have experienced the results of trying this and trying that until experience sort of fine tunes your techniques for sourcing inventory, for saying yay or nay to inventory choices for the moment we're currently experiencing, teaching you what tweaks help and what don't make a darned bit of difference.


Maybe those who have been in retail sales all their lives... for many, many years before eBay ever came along, sort of roll with the ups and downs a bit more easily.  But yes, there are folks selling here and doing just fine, thank you.  

I’ve been in retail since my first part time job at 13.


I’ve rolled with the ups and downs here until I decided to try other roller coaster rides in other amusement parks.


My sales on other venues are more consistent and are better than here.


Shake your prom poms all you want but it doesn’t negate that there’s something wrong with EBay right now.


The OP knows it, I know it, and obviously the “cheerleaders” know it as they rush to ebays defense on every.single.thread complaining about low sales.


Same old tired rhetoric.


Message 91 of 174
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My Ebay sales are down 69% in the last 30 days!

margarenisa_0 wrote:

I’ve been in retail since my first part time job at 13.


I’ve rolled with the ups and downs here until I decided to try other roller coaster rides in other amusement parks.


My sales on other venues are more consistent and are better than here.


Shake your prom poms all you want but it doesn’t negate that there’s something wrong with EBay right now.


The OP knows it, I know it, and obviously the “cheerleaders” know it as they rush to ebays defense on every.single.thread complaining about low sales.


Same old tired rhetoric.



Then that's a good thing for you!  So many of us sell on so many different sites, so usually know which fit us the best, then second best, which don't work for us at all, etc.  For example, I have a couple of friends who don't have great sales on the home crafted/handmade site, but a friends daughter sells tons of her knitted things there.  It works for what she offers, and she sells on some other site I've never even heard of.  She has to find what works the best for her and how to tailor her listings to the site in the best way, because she earns her entire living at it, with two teen-age sons to support as well.  


Just because one can do well on a certain site doesn't mean all will thrive there.  I can understand those who are bitter because it doesn't work for them here as well as it used to, or as well as they want it to, etc.  But I can also understand that just because some fail to thrive here doesn't mean others can't be doing very well at it.  Maybe it's the hearing about it that is the most irksome, or that's why they are called cheerleaders, like liking it here is a bad thing, or that being able to do well here shouldn't happen for anyone if it isn't happening for all, etc.  


Finding the right fit is great!  Especially for any doing online sales for more than just a *kick*... if it needs to bring you some serious money, then it pays to learn all the ins and outs of e-commerce selling at this time. 


As with selling anywhere, if one thing doesn't work for you, try something else.  Sorry to those who are going through a disappointing time with their businesses here at this time, but it just isn't true for all.



Message 92 of 174
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My Ebay sales are down 69% in the last 30 days!

@mistwomandancing wrote:

@margarenisa_0 wrote:

I’ve been in retail since my first part time job at 13.


I’ve rolled with the ups and downs here until I decided to try other roller coaster rides in other amusement parks.


My sales on other venues are more consistent and are better than here.


Shake your prom poms all you want but it doesn’t negate that there’s something wrong with EBay right now.


The OP knows it, I know it, and obviously the “cheerleaders” know it as they rush to ebays defense on every.single.thread complaining about low sales.


Same old tired rhetoric.



Then that's a good thing for you!  So many of us sell on so many different sites, so usually know which fit us the best, then second best, which don't work for us at all, etc.  For example, I have a couple of friends who don't have great sales on the home crafted/handmade site, but a friends daughter sells tons of her knitted things there.  It works for what she offers, and she sells on some other site I've never even heard of.  She has to find what works the best for her and how to tailor her listings to the site in the best way, because she earns her entire living at it, with two teen-age sons to support as well.  


Just because one can do well on a certain site doesn't mean all will thrive there.  I can understand those who are bitter because it doesn't work for them here as well as it used to, or as well as they want it to, etc.  But I can also understand that just because some fail to thrive here doesn't mean others can't be doing very well at it.  Maybe it's the hearing about it that is the most irksome, or that's why they are called cheerleaders, like liking it here is a bad thing, or that being able to do well here shouldn't happen for anyone if it isn't happening for all, etc.  


Finding the right fit is great!  Especially for any doing online sales for more than just a *kick*... if it needs to bring you some serious money, then it pays to learn all the ins and outs of e-commerce selling at this time. 


As with selling anywhere, if one thing doesn't work for you, try something else.  Sorry to those who are going through a disappointing time with their businesses here at this time, but it just isn't true for all.






Message 93 of 174
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My Ebay sales are down 69% in the last 30 days!

I dunno, seems like a lot of people would rather just sit around and moan, because ebay doesn't work the way it used to or the way they think it should.


I choose to at least try to figure out what the problem is and give it my best effort before throwing in the towel.  I do not go down without a fight.  


BTW, my sell through rate is up to 3% from 1.4%, my impressions are up 21%, and my views are now down only .7% from what they were last 30 day period.  Sales are down 18%, but that's better than down 60%, which is what they were when I started trying to figure this out.



Message 94 of 174
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My Ebay sales are down 69% in the last 30 days!

I just checked, my sales for the second half of September were up 151% over the first half of September.


This stuff I'm doing is working.  Let's hope it continues to work.

Message 95 of 174
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My Ebay sales are down 69% in the last 30 days!

baantiques wrote:

I just checked, my sales for the second half of September were up 151% over the first half of September.


This stuff I'm doing is working.  Let's hope it continues to work.


Go get 'em, Tiger!  Smiley Very Happy  Woot!


It seems like we used to be able to find some stuff that sold well, and we learned how to "do it" ...and then, it worked!  And so all we had to do was just keep at it.  For quite a few years, we just listed our stuff, made our sales, and pocketed our profits.  Everyone loved eBay! 


Then every other Tom, Dick, and The World got into the game here, AND EVERYWHERE.  Nearly every other business got their own online sites to sell on, and suddenly it wasn't as easy.  Couldn't just sit back and keep doing what we'd always done and expect... much of anything.  Smiley Sad


We still have folks pop in to say they aren't doing anything different than they ever have, haven't changed a single thing, and yet they aren't getting many sales anymore, and they can't seem to zero in on the fact that in order to stay -not just competitive, but ahead of the game- we really have to change our whole focus here. 


Sounds like you've found a way to give yourself a BOOST!  Continued good luck with that, and with all the new methods you will find that work for you and the inventory you sell here! 

Message 96 of 174
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My Ebay sales are down 69% in the last 30 days!

Estimated delivery dates have been wonky here, too.....might have to do with the guaranteed delivery thing they are rolling out.

Message 97 of 174
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My Ebay sales are down 69% in the last 30 days!

@baantiques wrote:

I just checked, my sales for the second half of September were up 151% over the first half of September.


This stuff I'm doing is working.  Let's hope it continues to work.

That's nice to hear! I'm also in a slump but probably the reason is obvious. When I get in inventory I list aggressively on Amazon which is my main venue (media). Listing on ebay is more of a "get around to it".


I also reprice aggressively on Amazon, their inventory pages make it crystal clear what the same condition books are selling for, adjusting for shipping. On ebay this requires actually dipping into listings to see the condition which is a major time sink.

Message 98 of 174
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My Ebay sales are down 69% in the last 30 days!

My Ebay sales are down 69% in the last 30 days!

Mine are up 30%.

Message 100 of 174
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My Ebay sales are down 69% in the last 30 days!

While I agree that the hurricanes do cause sales to drop, they have not caused the steady decline in sales for a number of years now. It must have been a gigantic, very lengthy, full USA hurricane to have done that.
Message 101 of 174
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My Ebay sales are down 69% in the last 30 days!

You have forty items.  Now, if you remove the nicotine related items-what's left to want to buy?  Add more and varied items.  That is almost always the answer.

Good Moms let you lick the Beaters.

Great Moms turn them off first.
Message 102 of 174
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My Ebay sales are down 69% in the last 30 days!

As of today, impressions are now up 28%, page views up 8%, conversion rate up 0.1%.  Sales still down, but only 13%, not 60%.


My run is showing signs of having topped out.  Stay tuned.

Message 103 of 174
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My Ebay sales are down 69% in the last 30 days!

Impressions now up 33%, views up 12.5%, conversion rate up to 2.4%.  My chart from August 1st looks good.


I mentioned before I thought the results I'm seeing were starting to reach a plateau.  Coincidentally, I am right in the lower third of what I typically sell in a month.  I've always suspected that Ebay decides how much you're going to sell and then takes steps to limit you when you reach that arbitrary limit.  Could that be what's happening here?  Too early to tell.


The views display is a few days behind for me.  Right now it's displaying up to October 4th.  I noticed a percieved slowdown starting on the 5th.  So I'll have to withhold judgement until I can clearly see all the data.


Now, if indeed it IS Ebay limiting, I would expect the impressions and page views to drop.  I simply don't see how impressions and page views can remain high and have a sales drop be some algorithm messing with me.  So if sales are dropping and impressions and views are still up, then the fault lies with my products and/or my listings not being enticing enough for the viewer to pull the trigger.  To blame Ebay for that entails that one believe Ebay is somehow involving themselves in the decision of a buyer to purchase or not.  


Stay tuned.

Message 104 of 174
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My Ebay sales are down 69% in the last 30 days!

Why in the hell would eBay would limit sales????  What reason?  Sorry, that seems ludicrious. 

Message 105 of 174
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