07-02-2020 08:21 PM
That is why I am leaving Ebay, I don't want to deal with Apple Pay, Google Pay....etc. I'm did fine with Pay Pal. Feedback, buyer can leave you negative fb and lie about the reason. Seller cant ever leave buyer negative feedback, that's a joke. Resolutions always is in buyers favor , they can make up any excuse. Good Luck All with this new format Ebay is shoving down your throats to accept.
07-02-2020 10:04 PM
Yes, it's all been a bit much. I've have considered the same move for some time. You might want to ignore any replies from the "cheerleading squad" and their lame excuses and preaching on how great eBay is.
07-02-2020 10:28 PM
Thanks for responding, Your comment is right on target. I appreciate it.
07-02-2020 11:44 PM
As a seller things can certainly get a bit overwhelming at times. I can certainly respect that.
I take it you were told by Ebay that you are moving into MP later this month?!? I too have very happy with PP and don't desire to change, but it is something they have told us was coming for a couple years now, so we all had plenty of time to get use to the idea.
As to Apple Pay and Google Pay, as a seller we don't have to deal with them. Ebay will do that. So it isn't likely that it will even affect you.
As to negative FB for buyer. That is just bad business period. You are not likely going to be able to find a site out there that allows for the public shaming of its customers. At least not one that will be in business long. That doesn't just affect the customer you want to shame, it affect those that are considering buying from you too. As a customer I wouldn't do any business with a business that practiced this. Not because I would be concerned as to what they would say about me, but because it is completely unprofessional and juvenile.
Most transactions as you know go off without a hitch. The problematic ones can certainly take a lot out of us to be sure. But most are fine. You seem to have a nice little business going. I don't know why a couple negative FB [that say absolutely nothing, literally] would bring you to this decision now. They will drop off completely after 12 full month and be a distant memory. So let them go.
It's too late now, but that one neutral you got for the late delivery, had you of called Ebay on that one, you would have likely gotten it removed because of the show carrier times during the pandemic.
If you are going to sell online, change is just part of the package. If Ebay stood still, everyone else would just leave us the in the dust.
If you have more questions or concerns, many of us are here and would be happy to help. Whatever you decide, I wish you nothing but the best.
07-03-2020 01:33 PM
1.) apple pay, google pay etc.. Ebay will handle it? As they always do, if there is a chargeback / complaint/ they will freeze your money and make sure apple/google are happy. You lose the money and 50 % of the time, the product, because of buyers that lie. 2.) As to negative feedback being left to a buyer. How about you losing a $110.00 collectible that you owned for 31 years? Because ebay ruled in there favor. You would be alright with that? The buyer will hit another target and burn them also. I don't cheat anyone, but I have a problem when I am cheated by a customer and ebay. These 3rd party companies are contractors for ebay in this issue. Ebay is not going to burn them, ebay will burn the seller.
07-03-2020 02:25 PM
@quality-items-original wrote:1.) apple pay, google pay etc.. Ebay will handle it? As they always do, if there is a chargeback / complaint/ they will freeze your money and make sure apple/google are happy. You lose the money and 50 % of the time, the product, because of buyers that lie. 2.) As to negative feedback being left to a buyer. How about you losing a $110.00 collectible that you owned for 31 years? Because ebay ruled in there favor. You would be alright with that? The buyer will hit another target and burn them also. I don't cheat anyone, but I have a problem when I am cheated by a customer and ebay. These 3rd party companies are contractors for ebay in this issue. Ebay is not going to burn them, ebay will burn the seller.
1. PP freezes the money too, so there is no difference in MP when a chargeback is filed. As to why you lose so many of your chargebacks, I have no answer for that without the details of each case. Speaking for myself, I've never lost a chargeback and I'm sorry that you have lost so many. But this procedure is likely to be the same whether you move to MP or stay with PP.
2. Negative FB and losing a return request are two completely different subjects. I can't defend the current state of Ebay's return system. It is beyond awful for sellers for many reasons. In October of 2018 when Ebay went to Simplified Returns it has been one hot mess that sellers don't even have a fighting chance in. We just keep taking it in the shorts so to speak when there is a buyer that wants to take advantage of a seller, with little to know relief from Ebay.
As I said before, the vast majority of transactions go off without issue. If that were not to be true, then there would be far fewer sellers here as they couldn't turn a profit. That is not to take away from the severity of many of these transactions that are problematic as they can be very serious indeed. I know it can wear a seller down and you are right, it isn't fair.
07-03-2020 02:38 PM
I love your moniker. Here, it reads like a subtitle.
07-03-2020 05:06 PM
07-03-2020 05:08 PM
yes I do …..
07-03-2020 05:36 PM
@bimm_corp wrote:>"cheerleading squad"
See what I mean.
Since when does giving people FACTS = "cheerleading". I realize that the @quality-items-original wanted to vent. No one to include myself dismissed anything that they have said or that their concerns were not valid.
I know that unless one posts with nothing but venom towards Ebay that it is seen by some as "cheerleading". Because some feel that way doesn't make it true.
Besides speaking for my own posts, much of what I said was in agreement with the OP.
So what is the issue here really? What causes you concern that your voice is not heard? Or is it simply that to have a different viewpoint is the issue?
07-03-2020 08:19 PM
Ebay wants your bank name and card # no problem. Then they ask for your bank user name and your bank password also as a requirement for their managed payments. NO WAY !
07-03-2020 08:37 PM
Managed payments or not sellers can not leave neg feedback only report buyers. This has been this way for several years and has nothing to do with managed payments. You show no resent neg feedback and only 2 old with no message from the buyer. These 2 will drop of soon enough. Perhaps focus on return issues buyers had and try to improve for future sells. If you can show the neg was not justified or out of your control you can ask eBay to remove the feedback.
07-03-2020 08:43 PM
I did ask ebay, they removed the comments but not the 2 negative strikes against me. So it says I have 2 negatives that will last 12 months. Get real.
07-03-2020 10:50 PM
@quality-items-original wrote:Ebay wants your bank name and card # no problem. Then they ask for your bank user name and your bank password also as a requirement for their managed payments. NO WAY !
I know. I thought this was a odd process too and that was my initial reaction as well. I completely understand.
After some consideration I did go through that process on purpose so I could learn more about it. The screen is clear that Ebay does not get access to the password to your banking. Before I could enter the password it required me to get an authorization code from my bank. So I called and explained what I was doing and told them about Ebay and the MP program. In a short period of time he got it.
He then sent me an email with a code it in that I needed to tell him, this was to make sure I was who I said I was. Once I gave him that, he gave me an authorization code. I entered that. The next screen only had the last four digits of the account that I had attached to MP and asked me to verify it was correct. I did that and I was all done.
The company that processes the bank account log on has their terms you can read through. For your ease, below is the link in case you'd like to read through it.
And here are the pics from the process I went through, however I forgot to take a screen shot of the last one that simply asked me to verify my account number. BTW, it did not show any other account, just the last 4 digits of the account I attached to MP.
Now as a final note just to be extra safe, I went into my online banking and changed my password. Just a little layer to make me feel a bit better. IDK if it was necessary, but it made me feel better.
07-04-2020 07:30 AM
thanks for the response, but no thank you, that will never work for me.