08-05-2021 04:13 AM
Is anyone else having problems with the listing count on the Seller Hub? Half way through July and also August, the listings I have done are not being recorded in the listing count (Used/Left) I have listed 21 so far this month and it still says 0 used/250 left. I did a chat with ebay customer service and they are aware of this problem, but offered no solution or explanation. Luckily, I am keeping track manually so I don't go over my limit. July was tougher since it happened in the middle of the month and I had no idea how many I had used or had left, so I had to relist each item individually to make sure there was not a fee attached. Does anyone know what is happening or when it will be corrected? Frustrating.
08-05-2021 04:23 AM
I appreciate the heads up. I just checked mine for August and at the moment the count is correct but like you I will manually keep a count to ensure I don't exceed limits. Another code glitch with eBay which appears to be an increasing problem but not a surprising one. With the explosion in ecommerce the demand for IT professionals has gone through the roof. I have a friend who is a tech recruiter for Amazon and it's a what can you do for me environment amongst applicants.
08-05-2021 02:48 PM
I noticed this also last month and am keeping a manual count too. I did a chat with a rep. who said that she'd refer it to the tech department. I won't hold my breath.
08-18-2021 07:18 AM
FYI, I think I discovered what is happening. Today, on the Seller Hub, I see for the first time, that I have an extra 500 free listings, starting July 22 and going til Oct. 1. Apparently, These are being used first, before using the 250 monthly listings. So, my normal 250 won't get used until I use up all the free ones that are supposed to supplement the monthly 250. Frustrating. I never received a message, which I normally do when there is a change like this. I would have been listing more all along had I known. But it won't last until October if they have to get used up first and I will probably leave quite a few monthly listings unused. Come on ebay, get your act together!!