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Listing Removed: Violent Materials

For the first time in nearly 20 years on eBay I had a listing removed!  I feel like I hit a right-of-passage!


But seriously, on my selling ID I listed the film "Nekromantik" last night and found this morning that it had been removed because:  "The film, NEKROMANTIK , that you listed is prohibited by eBay because it contains graphic scenes of death, violence, torture, and the like".  Now let me be the first to state that this is a VERY important policy, but it should not be confused with films that are gross-out horror-comedies.  The policy should concentrate on EXACTLY what is stated, "graphic scenes of death, violence, torture, and the like".


I called CS and after a bit of the usual policy explanation, I asked why the policy would count toward fiction that does not have any direct ties to reality what-so-ever.  I was told that even fiction movies are governed by this policy.  So I asked what about the Saw movies?  Her answer was she didn't mind the Saw movies, but the idea of necrophilia is disturbing.


So my concern is that if the Violent Materials policy is now being enforced on materials of fiction, then what the heck am I supposed to do as all my listings are horror movies?  By the logic of this CS rep all of my listings are in violation.


I also asked how to pursue this matter with policy enforcement and not just policy interpretation, she said those people don't have a phone.


Anyway, I myself am a victim of violence and I find it disgusting that eBay is watering down a policy to protect actual victims.

Message 1 of 28
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Accepted Solutions

Listing Removed: Violent Materials


The policy does say the following is allowed:

Documentaries and Hollywood-style horror movies, even if they have graphic, violent subject matter


But as I said above, it's possible your listing was reported. The bottom line is that it was removed so don't relist it because you've been flagged. Unless all of your listings start coming down then don't worry about one single listing.


I had a VeRO takedown recently that did not violate any intellectual property. The listing used my own photos, my own description, my own everything, and it did not have any no-no terms, either. The product's company had every single listing removed from eBay (about 40 in total). Of course it was unfair, but that's how it goes around here. Sell your item elsewhere - that's what I did.


You'll end up running around in circles if you try to actually make sense of it. The listing was likely reported, end of story.

View Best Answer in original post

Message 9 of 28
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Listing Removed: Violent Materials

I can only guess that your listing was reported by another member, or maybe that is a title they have previously banned due to the nature and subject matter.


The official policy on this topic is very subjective:


Who is to say which films have artistic value and which don't? Ultimately eBay has the final say. Go along with the removal and don't relist the item. Unless they start removing a lot of your listings I wouldn't panic.

Message 2 of 28
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Listing Removed: Violent Materials

I disagree.

Trash films should be prohibited everywhere.

Forget keeping up with the Joneses. Be the Finklegrubers!
OK kids, time to get the Dodge loaded up again. I hear 'Poppy's By the Tree' calling. This trip might be a long one too.
Message 3 of 28
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Listing Removed: Violent Materials

OP, do not relist that movie again.  Once you have a flag on your account, the bots will hit it again and again.  The removal gave you a defect and you do not get many of them before you will be booted, store or perfect feedback or not.


It might be a ebay UK removal.  Different countries have different standards they will tolerate.  The UK is a little more free with nudity than the US for example.  They might have the opposite view about violence.


You might want to check the movies that are listed before you list them and start with really safe ones, like the basic monster movies and work up carefully.

Message 4 of 28
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Listing Removed: Violent Materials

I agree, but the artistic value point is supposed to be applied towards REAL violence.  There are many Vietnam documentaries for example that show camp executions, but the artistic value is attributed to the artist believing that the value of seeing these atrocities for what they were out-weighs the disturbing matter of the content.


This policy should never be applied to fictional movies.  And there is no violence in the Nekromantik films.  Now if the policy quoted sexual deviance of some sort, then maybe I could see thinking in that direction, but the policy specifically quoted Violent Materials.

Message 5 of 28
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Listing Removed: Violent Materials

The eBay CS rep said that there was no defect on my account, that this was a removal based on filtering.  But yes, I do not plan to list it again.  I'm just not sure how you can tell if something is safe?  The movie Nekromantik is for sale on eBay right now, it has sold many times on eBay, and it has a long track record of sales on eBay.  That tells me it should be safe to sell.

Message 6 of 28
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Listing Removed: Violent Materials


For me it is Joan Crauferd and Betty Davis (sp)

Put on the movie "What ever happened to Baby Jane"

My wife tells all her friends that I pull the blankey over my head in fear.


Brother in law dated a girl in the 80's who was into "faces of death"

Now that was some messed up stuff, and real.


My kid was into "Manga" ? Japan... about suicide, very dark.


Death and dying are subjects that are a sore spot for some.

On the way to work today, there was a deer on the side of the road.

It lifted it's head, and my wife wanted to stop.

Now sweet heart, you are not a vet, and you don't have your kit with you.

All you have is a Zanex, and a bandage.

( the deer got up and walked it off, I called her and let her know, she would be goofy all day)


When you hit the back side of the bell curve.  you lose all fear.


But yes, ebay is goofy, in what they ban, and what is allowed...

Message 7 of 28
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Listing Removed: Violent Materials

And, don't forget that there are lots more that apparently should be banned - Alien, Silence of the Lambs, Frankenstien, Rambo - I mean, the list is endless and, according to the taste of today's society, could entail 90% of an entire year's output from Hollywood - not to mention Indies!  Between 'trashy' and 'violent' and 'horror' and 'politically incorrect', people may have to settle for TV, or better yet, star-gaze.  Family Feud, anyone?

Not saying 'NO' doesn't mean 'YES'.

The foolishness of one's actions or words is determined by the number of witnesses.

Perhaps if Brains were described as an APP, many people would use them more often.

Respect, like money, is only of 'worth' when it is earned - with all due respect, it can not be ordained, legislated or coerced. Anonymous
Message 8 of 28
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Listing Removed: Violent Materials


The policy does say the following is allowed:

Documentaries and Hollywood-style horror movies, even if they have graphic, violent subject matter


But as I said above, it's possible your listing was reported. The bottom line is that it was removed so don't relist it because you've been flagged. Unless all of your listings start coming down then don't worry about one single listing.


I had a VeRO takedown recently that did not violate any intellectual property. The listing used my own photos, my own description, my own everything, and it did not have any no-no terms, either. The product's company had every single listing removed from eBay (about 40 in total). Of course it was unfair, but that's how it goes around here. Sell your item elsewhere - that's what I did.


You'll end up running around in circles if you try to actually make sense of it. The listing was likely reported, end of story.

Message 9 of 28
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Listing Removed: Violent Materials

My biggest problem with this is I AM a victim of violence (sexual and physical) and I believe these policies should be in place to protect victims.  Being offended, having bad dreams, liking Saw but not liking Alien, whatever it be, none of that should be confused with protection of ACTUAL victims.  I guess that's what bothers me most of all about this.

Message 10 of 28
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Listing Removed: Violent Materials

Thank you for that! I somehow missed that little piece in the text I read and re-read over and over again...
Message 11 of 28
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Listing Removed: Violent Materials

" I guess that's what bothers me most of all about this."

I guess what bothers me most of all about this is that someone could like a movie about a violent game (of sorts) that could actually happen, but not like a completely fictional space story that has virtually no possibility of coming true.

I would have prohibited both of those films/series from being produced if t were up to me. I see no point to either, or many of the others mentioned above. At least Rambo had some sort of message (underdog rebelling against undue oppression), but I don't see that in any of the others.

Forget keeping up with the Joneses. Be the Finklegrubers!
OK kids, time to get the Dodge loaded up again. I hear 'Poppy's By the Tree' calling. This trip might be a long one too.
Message 12 of 28
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Listing Removed: Violent Materials

Look at the page where it says "What are the Guidelines" and you can see little arrows to expand each section. It's easy to miss or disregard as bullet points if you aren't used to the setup of the policy pages.

Message 13 of 28
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Listing Removed: Violent Materials

The issue doesn't have anything to do with real victims, fictional victims, victim awareness, victim impact, protecting victims, being a victim, victims' movie preference, or anything else to do with victims.


The issue is much simpler.  The listing was reported or removed by bot.  Do not relist it.

Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage. ~ Anais Nin
Message 14 of 28
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Listing Removed: Violent Materials

I'm just going to say I'll be praying nightly for you.
Message 15 of 28
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