09-02-2018 03:11 PM
I've recently noticed that my newly listed items aren't receiving any views. I initially thought this was an eBay glitch associated with the August 2018 site changes and upgrades. I'm in the Direct from Artist 'art paintings' selling category, so sales in general aren't consistent. I have noticed that I may go 2 weeks without any activity and suddenly I make 5 organic sales in a weekend. I've always found this to be odd but assumed it was related to pay-day cycles. However, normally within the first hour of listing a new painting, I'd have at least 15 or so views regardless of it being a BIN or an auction-style listing. The art I do is relatively popular and I typically receive a consistent number of hits and/or watchers on my items.
Over the past two weeks, any new item i've listed sits with less than 10 views (probably my own) and many with zero. I got curious and tried a keyword search for my items as well as a basic category search. Newly listed items should appear, right? Newly listed auctions should appear, right? Items with watchers should appear, right? I am no where to be found with the exception of 1 listing which appears in the first page of results. A month ago, I was on the first couple pages of search results with my items showing repeatedly.
I never knew there was a "conspiracy" behind this until I became fed up, defeated and decided to research it today. I've learned this phenomenon is better identified as the eBay rolling blackout. My question for other sellers is, how long do these "black out" periods last? Also, is anyone else currently experiencing this issue as well and do you believe it may be related to the holiday weekend? Is anyone aware of whether or not there is a site-wide technical issue with new listings not indexing correctly?
I decided today, out of a moment of despair, to place several items on a "promoted listing" upgrade. Did that help? No... I still can't find my listings - naturally - within the search results. Please, someone that knows more about this, give me some advice or insight as to what is going on.
09-02-2018 03:20 PM
I just did a search on five items you have listed and only used the first 4 or 5 words in the listing. You showed up first in every search result.
09-02-2018 03:29 PM
09-02-2018 03:37 PM
there are over 45,000 returns for "abstract oil painting"
How should eBay decide who to show and who not to show? NOBODY is gonna look at 45,000 items.
They're not hiding you, they're not blacking you out. They are merely showing other people first.
It is not published as to how to be first. If it was, so many would try and manipulate it that it would become worthless. From my own personal experience and from the sound of it, yours, it would be that when you make a sale, you move way up. As more people either don't click on yours, or don't buy, you go down in ranking.
09-02-2018 04:25 PM - edited 09-02-2018 04:30 PM
I have noticed that I may go 2 weeks without any activity and suddenly I make 5 organic sales in a weekend.
Yes. Apparently part of the Cassini alogarithm is that one sale leads to higher placement in Search which inturn leads to more sales which leads to higher .....
assumed it was related to pay-day cycles.
Since fine art is very much a luxury purchase, I doubt your customers are tied to a payday cycle.
They should be able to put the purchase on a credit card and pay it off at leisure.
It's not like waiting til payday to buy milk.
09-02-2018 04:39 PM
@annmikhailart wrote:
Over the past two weeks, any new item i've listed sits with less than 10 views (probably my own) and many with zero.
Doesn't help with your question, but just to note, if you are logged into your account, viewing your own item does not show as a "view" even when all is working as it should.
09-02-2018 05:09 PM
09-02-2018 05:29 PM
09-02-2018 05:57 PM
I domnot know about your listing issues and I have no idea what you define as a rolling blackout, but what I do know is you are a very talented artist. I love about everything I saw in your active listings.
Good Luck Selling!
09-02-2018 07:19 PM
09-02-2018 07:25 PM
09-02-2018 07:40 PM
Before I was listing my art, I sold apparel. I tended to sell more often when selling apparel, but I did notice the same type of fluctuation. A solid week without a single sale and then a steady 5 or so items a day selling consistently for about a one week stretch. This cycle repeated itself and sometimes, there'd be more 'dead' time inbetween. This is when I first assumed it had to do with 'pay days' as most sales would begin picking up on a Friday every other week. Since ceasing to sell apparel and converting my store to feature my artwork, the first month was slow which was expected. Then I sold around 10 paintings via eBay in a month, which for my category is pretty dang good. Suddenly for the month of August... I think i've sold 2 paintings via eBay? This is when I also began seeing a correlation between lack of sales and views. So in theory, if I sold 10 paintings in July, shouldn't that have boosted me high within my category so my winning streak could continue during August?
I figured a few things came into play that has affected this other than the mysterious black out theory:
1) I ran more auctions in July versus BIN.
2) I was pricing my paintings at a lower price point because of the auction listing style.
3) I was listing around 5 or 6 new paintings a week in my category.
But for the month of August, I made changes that in theory should have helped me:
1) I offered free shipping on the majority of my items.
2) I continued listing approximately 5 or 6 new paintings a week.
3) I provided a 'best offer' option on all of my items.
4) I changed my handling time to 1 business day versus the previous 2 business days.
Shouldn't these changes have helped me? I followed the advice given by most experienced eBay sellers. I read about how Cassini works and absorbed all the advice I could. Then in the past two weeks to simply throw salt in the wound, my organic views have just tanked. Even on my auction items, i'm not seeing proof of any exposure. It is not a matter of not MAKING the sale that is upsetting me, it's proof that my impressions and views have tanked (41% according to my performance manager) compared to 30 days ago.
09-02-2018 10:59 PM
@annmikhailart wrote:
The odd thing is, my sales will happen all within the time-span of a day or two. I'll have weeks of dry time, perhaps a single random sale in between, but the larger sales occur at random, in groupings on a single day. A lot of my artwork has sold under $100 and since I offer best offer on my listings, I still receive the bargain offers at random. Pay cycle relation or not, I feel the selling highs and lulls are following too tight of a pattern to be coincidental.
You just described my exact experience as well for maybe the last 2 years or so. Doesn't even matter how many listings I have up, although I sell more, the more I have of course. But it almost feels like there's a window when it's my turn to have sales, and I'll get anywhere from 1 to 10 in a span of a week or two, then nothing for 4 months maybe?
09-09-2018 12:33 PM
09-09-2018 03:04 PM