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Last 3 days, I've had zero sales. This has never happened before .

my sales average $300 a day. Just been like this for years. I've had an occasional one day with no sales. But 3 days straight? I've lost almost $1000 in sales, with no explanation whatsover. I can't survive at this pace, especially after how many bills I had to pay 1st of the month. This is absolutly the worse time for this to be happening. Is this isolated to me, or is anyone else experiencing this?

Message 1 of 128
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127 REPLIES 127

Last 3 days, I've had zero sales. This has never happened before .

I was going like gangbusters for a week, now the last three days have been dead, dragging me back dow to where I was, sales wise.

Message 91 of 128
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Last 3 days, I've had zero sales. This has never happened before .

@baantiques wrote:

I was going like gangbusters for a week, now the last three days have been dead, dragging me back dow to where I was, sales wise.

It's starting to appear to me that I only get seen on Weekdays. I'll take that though if it averages out. Might take a few weekend holidays. wink

Message 92 of 128
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Last 3 days, I've had zero sales. This has never happened before .

It seems to me that Ebay aspires to be a lot of things not Ebay - Amazon, Aliexpress, etc.  Since those companies have a head start and do their thing better than anyone else, that means Ebay will just become a second rate Amazon.  I'd rather they were a first rate Ebay, but if that means another company comes along and out ebays ebay, I'm all for it.

Message 93 of 128
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Last 3 days, I've had zero sales. This has never happened before .

Here's the thing.  Everything is driven by earnings.  Corporations have to please the stockholders, and to do that, they have to increase earnings every year.  I think this is the key to all these changes Ebay makes.


Look at Amazon.  They started out selling just books, and now they sell everything, and are moving into actual retail stores.  So they've been able to expand successfully beyond their original concept.


Now look at Ebay.  They started out as an auction site and they are still an auction site.  China?  fail.  Ebay Premier?  fail.  Wholesale auctions like Liquidation?  Fail.  Half?  fail.  Paypal?  fail.  It seems like every single thing Ebay has done to try to expand has ended in failure.  So they are only left with the core business and trying to expand that.  That's why they are constantly messing and tweaking, and why small sellers - the market Ebay originally appealed to - are having a hard time.

Message 94 of 128
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Last 3 days, I've had zero sales. This has never happened before .

Maybe something, maybe nothing...ebay stock is down $2 at close yesterday over the last month, and opened down another buck fifty this morning.
Message 95 of 128
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Last 3 days, I've had zero sales. This has never happened before .

@baantiques wrote:

I was going like gangbusters for a week, now the last three days have been dead, dragging me back dow to where I was, sales wise.

check to see if your items are being hidden in international sales. it is a bad ebay glitch

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Message 96 of 128
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Last 3 days, I've had zero sales. This has never happened before .

@vw wrote:

"I've had a total of 3 sales since the 1st"


I don't see them, I do see 4 sales on the 1st, but not 3 since the 1st. . .


Check to see if ebay is hiding your items as an internation seller , it is a known ebay glitch

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Message 97 of 128
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Last 3 days, I've had zero sales. This has never happened before .

Forget sales for a second. What are your views / impressions like? I mean that's the point of promoted listings right , getting your item more visibility ? If you're getting more visibility then I guess it's doing its job . If not then yeah something might be wrong . I've heard people on these discussions say promoted doesn't work and others say it increased their sales so maybe it's just not for you 

Message 98 of 128
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Last 3 days, I've had zero sales. This has never happened before .

Screen Shot 2017-11-09 at 8.14.00 AM.png

Looks like insiders don't see value in the stock either.  If I were hedging man, I'd say a buy out is in the forecast.  If share value drops below $34...look out below!!  Follow the money.  As the old saying goes, money talks and bull **bleep** walks. 

Message 99 of 128
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Last 3 days, I've had zero sales. This has never happened before .

Hopefully, they'd then hire a CEO that has read eCommerce for Dummies...
Message 100 of 128
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Last 3 days, I've had zero sales. This has never happened before .

Probably because EBay will not load up : MyEBay, searches, etc. If we cannot "look" at searches or "see" our watch list, we cannot buy...... I want to check some items to purchase but am unable to get ebay to load! I would like to list some antiques, but ebay will not load.

This has been ongoing for about 1.5 months.

All other web sites load and display correctly but not EBay!


Hopefully this will resolve shortly.

Message 101 of 128
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Last 3 days, I've had zero sales. This has never happened before .

@odditiesandantiquities1 wrote:

@baantiques wrote:

I was going like gangbusters for a week, now the last three days have been dead, dragging me back dow to where I was, sales wise.

It's starting to appear to me that I only get seen on Weekdays. I'll take that though if it averages out. Might take a few weekend holidays. wink

weekends were my best sellers. That stopped for some reason, and sometimes I might get one sale.

Message 102 of 128
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Last 3 days, I've had zero sales. This has never happened before .

I hear Geico offers 15% off on car insurance. . .

Message 103 of 128
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Last 3 days, I've had zero sales. This has never happened before .

@nawlinsron2 wrote:
The farce is, there's NO WAY to measure the success of PL.
PL is a digital pig in a poke.

Of course there are many ways to demonstrate if Promoted Listings are working or not.

Typos courtesy of Lithium.
Message 104 of 128
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Last 3 days, I've had zero sales. This has never happened before .

@nawlinsron2 wrote:
Maybe something, maybe nothing...ebay stock is down $2 at close yesterday over the last month, and opened down another buck fifty this morning.

That's a rather startling drop over two days. I wonder if there' s been some announcement


Message 105 of 128
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