12-20-2024 06:03 PM
The good news is I'm packing my orders tonight and leaving them for my emergency designated person to take to the shipper on Monday.
You never know when something will happen suddenly, this is a reminder to have a back up plan.
For anyone who's interested, I had a medical emergency which might lead to me being suddenly hospitalized before my scheduled surgery in the new year, and I wouldn't be able to pack and ship orders if this happens. I'm being proactive and doing time away, and packing orders tonight in case something happens before I can ship on Monday.
Every time something suddenly happens I like to remind everyone to have a back up plan... I do believe this is the third time in a year I had an emergency that lead to an interruption in processing orders, in this case if I'm in hospital I won't be able to pack them.
12-20-2024 06:08 PM
Items are still up for buying..as I see.
I hope it isn't serious and you get back to selling quickly.
12-20-2024 06:11 PM
@12345jamesstamps wrote:Items are still up for buying..as I see.
I hope it isn't serious and you get back to selling quickly.
I think the time away starts at 6:30 PST, that was the default that it filled in when I put in today's date.
It's OK if something sells in the next half hour, my plan is to print postage tonight and pack in the morning.
12-20-2024 06:12 PM
Best wishes for a full and speedy recovery.
12-20-2024 06:33 PM
Good luck to you, hope all goes well
For many of us, it not the big things in the world we should worry about, it's that random event on some Thursday afternoon we never saw coming that can turn our lives upside down. Hoping this isnt one of those events.
@inhawaii...you know all about that...you had that situation a few weeks back, didnt you? Hope you are all recovered as well
12-20-2024 06:37 PM
@inhawaii wrote:Best wishes for a full and speedy recovery.
Thanks! The surgery is not a very big deal, it's just done by a specialist which is why I'm waiting in the first place... but I don't need to be monitored as long as my problem isn't causing any serious symptoms... they don't keep people in hospital in Canada unless they have to (and even if they need to keep me there I might be waiting in a hallway for a few days until there's a bed available).
Unfortunately I had symptoms today and went to emerg, and was told if they come back to return and they'll admit me. Since that can happen any time, I figured shutting down would be a good idea. (Not happy about missing sales, but would be less happy about disappointing customers).
12-20-2024 06:40 PM
@ryry-jj wrote:Good luck to you, hope all goes well
For many of us, it not the big things in the world we should worry about, it's that random event on some Thursday afternoon we never saw coming that can turn our lives upside down. Hoping this isnt one of those events.
@inhawaii...you know all about that...you had that situation a few weeks back, didnt you? Hope you are all recovered as well
This isn't so bad, I got fair warning today to shut everything down (and prepare my emergency person, my roommate this time, to drop of packages if I have to return to hospital before I can ship Monday).
In October I took out the garbage, tripped and fell, and hit my head... That could have been really bad, but because I landed face down, my jaw took the brunt of the fall and I didn't end up with a concussion. That was one of those upside down world events... you don't anticipate when you take out the garbage you'll fall and hit your head. The greatest auctions in the world (for what I sell) were ending that night... I didn't tell anyone where I was instead of combining their orders 5 minutes after the auction ended.
12-20-2024 07:06 PM
I hope everything works out and you get home quickly.
Get better and sending some good energy your way.
12-20-2024 07:17 PM
Here's wishing you have a speedy recovery, C!
Thank for the reminder to always have a backup plan... and I'll be thinking of watching my step when I take out the garbage myself...
Cheers, Duffy
12-20-2024 07:22 PM
@duffy4444 wrote:Here's wishing you have a speedy recovery, C!
Thank for the reminder to always have a backup plan... and I'll be thinking of watching my step when I take out the garbage myself...
Cheers, Duffy
In all fairness, I was in a hurry. Some auctions had ended, I'd sent invoices, then had a 1 hour break before the next round of auctions was going to start ending (the second round was the good stuff, things I find in junk buckets selling for $20-100). I wanted to get as much done as possible in that hour, including having some dinner (which I missed out on because I fell and went to the hospital first). I have no idea how it happened... now I use the railing going down steps and I don't take two garbage bags at once... Trying to rush only delayed me in getting to see how my auctions ended (no cell service at the hospital).
12-20-2024 07:22 PM
Way to be ready for the emergency. Good work.
Sorry to hear of the health issues. All the best to you C for a speedy and full recovery
12-20-2024 07:54 PM
Hope your healing is swift!!
12-20-2024 10:58 PM
12-20-2024 11:03 PM
C, doesn't getting old suck! 😉
12-20-2024 11:14 PM
Hospital over Christmas? Ugh!
My sister was still complaining about the turkey sandwich she was served as "Christmas Dinner" when her daughter was born on Christmas Eve , at the child's 50th birthday party.
Your advice is good and very important.
Best wishes for a happy, prosperous, and HEALTHY New Year.