02-09-2018 06:26 PM
02-09-2018 06:58 PM
Looks like sellers are filing UIDs and the system is working
02-09-2018 07:59 PM - edited 02-09-2018 08:02 PM
Buyers do not need a paypal account. Why drive away business with an outdated buyer requirement!
The buyers with 0% didn't pay the other sellers, and it's pointless to block usernames when we can all make as many accounts as we want. Look how many sales you missed out on. How many of those are the same user? 😦
edit: You dont know shipping address until payment so that block is also costing you sales...the only proactive measure is immediate payment. The object is to sell, not block.
02-09-2018 09:12 PM
Not all sales are worth having.
Look at all the bullets you dodged.
02-09-2018 11:19 PM
Buyers do not need a paypal account. Why drive away business with an outdated buyer requirement!
The buyers with 0% didn't pay the other sellers, and it's pointless to block usernames when we can all make as many accounts as we want. Look how many sales you missed out on. How many of those are the same user? 😦
edit: You dont know shipping address until payment so that block is also costing you sales...the only proactive measure is immediate payment. The object is to sell, not block.
I agree with you, but that is because I list in the BIN format primarily (99.8% of the time). So for me the 2 or 3 UPI's a year that I do get here, meh. Relist, and move on, no big deal. I run maybe a dozen auctions a year, and have been fortunate enough not to draw a lot of the sport bidders, when I do run them. For that I am grateful.
Almost all of the other online market places were I sell; do not even have a buyer feedback system in place. I am almost never given any insight or knowledge about that buyer's past purchasing history. But the system there is fairly simple. Buyer purchases the item and I then in turn ship the item. Generally speaking that is why eBay's new buyers (0)s do not make me uncomfortable in large part due to the fact that I am use to that kind of selling environment.
But in the OPs case; they appear to run a lot of Auction format listings, so I understand their need and desire to want to block buyers with x amount of UPIs that occur in x amount of time. There is a lot of sport bidding here on eBay.
For Auction format sellers the fall out and extra work created by the buyer's who do not pay is tremendous. They are like the in-laws new puppy who is brought along with them uninvited to my house, takes a sh*! on my carpet and then goes home a the end of the day. So from the OP's point of view and position I agree with castlemagicmemories. "Not all sales are worth having."
02-10-2018 12:07 AM
"For Auction format sellers the fall out and extra work created by the buyer's who do not pay is tremendous."
For OOAK it is inconvenient to wait for the UPI process to close.
But for items available in quantity, it's no bother at all to let eBay's UPI process to complete. I simply ignore the whole thing and relist. If the buyer pays, I ship. If not, not.
02-10-2018 12:47 AM - edited 02-10-2018 12:49 AM
wrote:"For Auction format sellers the fall out and extra work created by the buyer's who do not pay is tremendous."
For OOAK it is inconvenient to wait for the UPI process to close.
But for items available in quantity, it's no bother at all to let eBay's UPI process to complete. I simply ignore the whole thing and relist. If the buyer pays, I ship. If not, not.
Exactly right.
But for the Auction format sellers those buyers who bid, win the auction, and then do not pay have created a real hardship for the Auction format seller. This seller might have had multiple eligible paying bidders / buyers, but who lost the auction to a buyer who eventually does not pay. The Auction seller then after waiting the required 6 days for UPI case to run its course, relist their item. Waits another 7 days or however long for the 2nd auction to close and often times runs the risk of getting less action and less money on the 2nd auction than the eligible but loosing bidders were willing to pay in the 1st auction. And now 20 days or more have gone by, from the start of the 1st auction to the close of the 2nd auction.
Like I said earlier I understand why Auction format sellers like the OP might choose to employ the buyer blocking features.
02-10-2018 02:20 AM
@*eponymous* wrote:
You dont know shipping address until payment so that block is also costing you sales..
The object is to sell, not block.
If the address thing effectively blocks those using reshippers or forwarders, I'm all for it.
The object is to sell SAFELY.
02-10-2018 02:29 AM
Buyers do not need a paypal account. Why drive away business with an outdated buyer requirement!
The buyers with 0% didn't pay the other sellers, and it's pointless to block usernames when we can all make as many accounts as we want. Look how many sales you missed out on. How many of those are the same user? 😦
edit: You dont know shipping address until payment so that block is also costing you sales...the only proactive measure is immediate payment. The object is to sell, not block.
As I understand it, if the buyer doesn't have a US address then they can't BID anyway, so that block is just blocking offshore buyers without a US shipping address.
02-10-2018 05:11 AM
I don't agree that there is a lot of sport bidding on Ebay. I think it varies hugely by category. Things that appeal to older collectors probably see no sport bidding at all. Gaming systems and cell phones may see a lot.
I think most sellers who use the "sport bidder" block actually lose more good sales than they prevent bad.
02-10-2018 06:40 AM
Paying by PalPal may an outdated requirement, but it's my requirement.
When a particular location (the people from which) continues to pose problems with purchases....I drop that location. I know several people who have elected to drop the same locations as I, for the same resons.
02-10-2018 06:48 AM
wrote:Blocks in full force.
Ok, 0% with too many UPI strikes. Is that confusing you?
02-10-2018 04:39 PM
A relisted item can sometimes not do as well as the initial listing.
Some people may wonder why the original sale failed. Was the item returned?
02-10-2018 07:56 PM
"If the address thing effectively blocks those using reshippers or forwarders, I'm all for it."
I ship a lot of commodity items in my other store to reshippers and forwarders with no problems at all. In fact they account for a significant amount of sales, with most items ending up in Caribbean Islands.
02-10-2018 09:37 PM