04-17-2023 06:02 PM
I am pretty new to eBay and finding it a challenge, saving my description. I typed the description of the item but when I list it-it doesn't save. Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong?
04-18-2023 05:45 AM
Are you clicking save as draft at the bottom of the listing page...
04-18-2023 05:47 AM
If it makes you feel any better, you don't have to be new to eBay to find it a challenge.
04-18-2023 08:47 AM
I've been on ebay for 20 years and it sometimes happens to me. Don't know what it is. Only guess is my old laptop or satellite internet? Oh yeah, and ebay glitches!
04-18-2023 08:52 AM
< when I list it-it doesn't save. Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong? >
You might not be doing anything wrong, depending on what you mean by "it doesn't save". If you mean you can't find it by searching, you could be experiencing the delay caused by what eBay calls indexing. All indexing means is that your listing's data is being compiled into a searchable index. eBay says that this process can take up to 24 hours. Most listings don't take that long. Once the listing has been indexed, then it will appear in searches.
04-18-2023 08:59 AM
Why don't you cut and paste the description, add it on another page and save it for the other listings you are trying to sell? Just an idea. I am also thinking you may have limits as a new seller.
06-24-2023 05:48 AM
Check Jeff's coins uncirculated