07-04-2021 01:33 PM
I been here a long time and jumped through some small hoops but this 'Required' Item Specifics hoop is too small for me at my old age to jump through. Easier to start deleting items. Seriously I had a Ronald Reagan Library prospectus and brochures and Ebay wants me to add 21 item specifics. It would take me a month of Sundays to research all the info they want. My Reagan item has no bearing on who his campaign manager was. Goodness.
07-04-2021 01:38 PM
Ebay wants me to add 21 item specifics
How many of the 21 are "required" and how many are "recommended"?
I'm working on the IS for my Media Items, most of them have only 2 marked Required the rest are all Recommended, of the later I fill in the ones that makes sense, leave the rest blank and tick the "don't show me these again" box.
07-04-2021 01:41 PM
@doubledz-a2z You are getting caught up with the wording. Only the items marked as required are what you need to fill out, and they are limited. The others all actually say recommended and you can choose to ignore them. Most will not really apply to your listing anyways. So just concentrate on the word required and this will go more smoothly for you. Best of luck to you....
07-04-2021 01:42 PM
LOL, Yeah then next month they will require 3 more. Just kidding. I hope.
07-04-2021 05:36 PM
@johnjefprks wrote:LOL, Yeah then next month they will require 3 more. Just kidding. I hope.
The Boiled Frog method.
07-04-2021 09:07 PM
After I add the required item specifics will that change then occur in the listings stored in ebay inventory or do I have to delete the old ones and save them again?
This is already painful enough for me. I can't see how this is working out for those with 10,000 listings.
07-04-2021 09:15 PM
"I can't see how this is working out for those with 10,000 listings."
A coupla months ago, when eBay originally dumped this in our laps, I basically stopped adding new items to my eBay store, just so that I could add the "required" item specifics to about 1700 items -- took me over a week. And most of those "required" items had already been listed in my item descriptions -- just not in the spiffy new boxes that eBay's techno-morons had added to the mess.
So -- a whole lost week, doing busy work.
What a pain in the Butte, Montana. . ..
07-04-2021 09:39 PM
Don't scare me like that again.
07-04-2021 09:50 PM
Needless is an understatement.
I can't believe I'm going to waste the next week 'doing just that' instead of putting up another 200 new items to sell.
07-04-2021 11:16 PM
As lamber9347 states...
You only need to fill out the fields that say "Required" or "Required Soon". You do NOT have to fill out any fields that say "Recommended" - You can leave them blank, if you wish.
You currently have only 67 items listed... It should not take you much time at all. I had to go over and modify about 300 of over 700 listings, and it only took me a few hours. In your Seller Hub of all your Listings, there is a column titled "Item Specifics". In that column, it will tell you whether any changes are recommended (you may ignore those if you want), or changes are required (do it now).
Cheers, Duffy