06-22-2023 09:41 AM
I have revised my all listings price. How long does it take to appear in search results. I dropped all item price. But I can not change the shipping method. Because it is the only one shipping method I know. If you can give me some tips for success my small store.
Thank you, Lasantha
06-22-2023 09:48 AM
Because it is the only one shipping method I know.
Respectfully, if that's the only method you know... I'd suggest that's all you can use. If you want to research other methods and feel comfortable with another, try that one. Good luck.
06-22-2023 09:50 AM
Thank you
06-22-2023 10:17 AM - edited 06-22-2023 10:19 AM
Hello friend
It can take up to 24 hours for the listing to catalog. Are you looking at what others are selling the same items you are selling? Your prices still exceed the price they are worth. There are several Sri Lankan sellers who are selling curry powder for 1/2 of what you are asking and they have sales. Something to consider.
Happy Selling and hope a sale is in the future for you.
06-22-2023 11:28 AM
Also I can not understand how they sell that price. Our dollar rate changing continuously. I do not know how do they manage that. I think they are old sellers and had much sales in there store. But I am a new seller. It is about two weeks. I think this might get some time to get the first order. Thank you very much for all the information you gave to me. I will create a conversation with my future issues. Have a good day ahead. Take care. Bye.