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It's gotten so bad I have to put shipping glitch instructions in my listings


Because of the calculated shipping glitch that is only getting worse, now it's all the time, I have had to put this in my listings.


"Please note, there has been a glitch in the eBay shipping calculator for months. The estimated price shown under shipping on the item page is generally correct. The glitch is that upon checkout, the estimate will jump 40% on the checkout page. If this happens, checkout without paying, message me, and I will send an invoice for the actual shipping. Sorry for any inconvenience. "


And months is an understatement. I have been doing damage control on this glitch for far too long. I've had cancelation requests right after purchase because the shipping doubles. I've been accused of bait and switch. I have called eBay's inept customer service, and I can literaly call three different times and get three different answers. The most common answer, "we have never heard of this before". Honestly, this company is driving away the buyers all by themselves.


I have never had this type of thing happen on Amazon, or etsy, or anywhere else for that matter. You would think that SOMEONE, ANYONE would take a little inititave and actualy try and get the problem fixed, and keep sending it to the higher ups until it reaches the desk of someone who can hand down the order to whatever team that codes this site to fix it, and if they can't, fire them and find someone who can.


But no, instead it is ignored, and they have their incompetent slave wage probably chained to their desk and beaten overseas customer service literaly gaslite people and act tike they must be loony tunes to even suggest that this is an ongoing systemic problem. I swear to GOD I have got to cut the cord and stop selling here. My god man, if I ran my business like this I'd be cooking dirt burgers down by the wash.


Rant off, I feel a little better now.

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