10-14-2021 08:05 AM
I know where this can be done but have encountered buyers under 5 feedbacks are still able to buy. I just received another buyer who is requesting a full refund on a fully functional item that I know was tested and in good working order. Too many dishonest people and tired of being screwed to a post because of my fear of receiving negative feedback.
Appreciate any advice.
10-14-2021 08:09 AM
It is not possible to automatically block all bidders/buyers with zero or positive feedback ratings.
In your site preferences you can block bidders (1) who have negative scores, i.e., -1 or lower; or (2) bidders/buyers who have purchased at least one item from you in the past 10 days. But you can't block that first item.
10-14-2021 08:28 AM
Were you perhaps thinking of this block?
As you can see, the ability to block buyers with five (or fewer) feedback ratings applies only to the restriction right above it. If you want to block buyers who've made a recent purchase from you from making another purchase, you can apply it to low-feedback buyers only. Higher feedback repeat buyers will still be able to make purchases.
10-17-2021 12:25 PM
That is happening to me, too. I guess our only recourse is to block them after they have taken advantage of us. eBay needs to address this issue. It has happened to me twice this week alone! The profit margin on eBay is slim at best anyway.
10-17-2021 12:38 PM
The quickest solution to this is to not allow yourself to be intimidated by feedback - it has no bearing on your metrics (eBay finally realised that it FB was too subjective).
03-28-2022 09:01 PM
you used to be able to block low feedback people.ebay just makes it all in the buyers favor now, once they got rid of neg feedback for bad buyers it was an open can of crap,now buyers can just start a new account and screw with you over and over if they want,its really ridiculous ou cant at least block bidders with 0 feedback, ive had about 4 bidders with 0 feedback in the last 2 months not pay for items that sold for over $100 thats a long time to tie up my item and then have to relist it and wait again and hope it doesnt happen again, sick of ebays **bleep**ty attitude toward the sellers who make them money,,,
03-28-2022 09:12 PM
Please check the date of the thread you open especially when you are coming in here just to argue.
October thread
03-29-2022 12:14 AM
03-29-2022 02:29 AM
Is there a way to block buyers under 50 years of age?
I find them very unreliable.
03-29-2022 05:37 AM
And those older than that can be a little questionable too. (I was born 05/24/33, you do the math.)
03-29-2022 05:49 AM
@soh.maryl wrote:And those older than that can be a little questionable too. (I was born 05/24/33, you do the math.)
Amazing that you will soon be 89 years young! Congrats on a wonderful life lived - May the BEST be yet to come!
Don't know how you do it! I turn 60 today and the years are catching up to me.
(Happy almost B-day Celebration, in case we don't remember on your special day. Remind us, please. We'll want to Celebrate another Year of You!!)
03-29-2022 07:58 AM